Chapter 6

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*AUTHOR SPEAKING*: I'm REALLY sorry I've been so bad at updating :-(

I've had a LOT of horrible shit happen and I've been letting it keep me from writing. I'll try updating as much as I can! Since I haved updated for a while, I give to you a very long chapter! Thank you for understanding. Love you guys and dolls! <3 ;-*

~*Angelo's P. O. V*~

The sound of the front door slamming and people stepping around woke both Rebel and I.

"I guess the girls are home," I said sleepily.

We both crawled out of bed and went downstairs into the kitchen to find the guys where I last saw them with Allie(who was holding Brandan), Jessica, Kylie, And Alex.

"Hey Al. Welcome home," I greeted.

"Hi," she replied sadly.

"You okay?" Rebel asked her.

"I just need to be alone with my son. Allie, may I have him back?"

She carefully rested Brandan in Alex's arms and she hurried upstairs.

"God she's a train wreck," Ryan commented.

"I can't even imagine what she's going through right now. I just hope she's okay," Jessica added, sitting next to Rick.

~*Alexandria's P. O. V*~

I quickly climbed up the stairs and went into Chris' and my room. When the door was shut, I sat down on his side of the bed, leaned back against the bed frame, and held Brandan close in my arms. He stared at me with Chris' eyes. A tear rolled down my cheek and I smiled at him.

"I love you so much. Daddy loves you too. He'll be home before you know it."


I realize I was talking to Brandan the whole time I was alone with him. He looked at me like he understood every word. I smiled at how much he looked like his Dad when he's listening to someone talk to him. A slight knock came from the door and Angelo snuck his head in.

"Hey, can I come in?" he asked.

I nodded my head and he came in, closed the door, and sat down next to me.

"Are you okay?" he wondered.

I pressed my lips together then said,"I honestly don't know."

"Al, I know you didn't want to leave but you've been in that hospital for almost a week," he stated.

"He was with me for that long."

"It's different now. You have a baby. He needs to be home, you need to be home. I know you want to be with Chris like he was for you but knowing him, he'd want you to be home taking care of your son."

I remained quiet.

"I just want him to wake up," I choked up through tears.

Angelo pulled me as close as he could without hurting his broken arm and held me tight.

"I know. We all do, but for now, we just need to stick together and get through this."

I closed my eyes and sighed. Brandan's little special sound he makes when it gets quiet turned both Angelo's and my attention toward him.

"He really is the cutest thing. Got it from you," he complimented.

I kissed his cheek and he kissed mine.

I sighed again and Angelo said,"I know what always makes you laugh. Remember that weekend trip to that weird camp site we took for biology?"

"God, best three days a high schooler could ask for," I laughed.

Love Will Kill Us All-A Chris Motionless/Angelo Parente Love Story #3Where stories live. Discover now