Chapter 21

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~*Alexandria's P. O. V~*

I sat on the couch next to Devin, Josh, and Angelo and silently watched them talk. Ricky was still holding Brandan on the sofa next to me with Ryan and Chris by his sides. I wasn't mad at Chris, not at all. I would deserve to be slapped if I was angry about them leaving for tour. After everything that's happened, I'm not letting anything stop them, not even our anniversary.

"Hey Chris, Alex, why don't you two go out for a bit? We can watch Brandan," Angelo said out of no where.

Chris and I looked at each other.

"Want to?" he asked me.

"You guys sure?" I questioned.

Ricky bounced Brandan a little and made him start laughing. He smiled and answered,"Yeah. He's no problem."

Chris stood up, grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. I looked at Brandan in Ricky's arms one last time before we stepped out the door. Chris kept his hand locked with mine as we walked down the street. It hurt a little knowing he was leaving next week but I know he has to.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah," I half lied.

He stopped, stepped in front of me and looked into my eyes.

"Somethings' on your mind. I can tell."

"Just realizing how much time you have left until you leave for...."

"Two months," he finished.

"Right. Two months," I repeated.

His lips softly met my forehead and he said,"I'm sorry Alex."

"Don't be. You have to go, don't let me get in the way."

We continued walking around, hand in hand while we talked about how we could spend our anniversary together.

"Look," he said out of no where and pointed straight ahead.

I looked into the distance and smiled at the sight of our park. We continued walking until we reached the park and sat down on the swings.

"I miss coming here as often as we use to," I admitted.

"We were here pretty much everyday," Chris reminded me.

I smiled at the memories we shared here.

"Remember when I pushed you off the swing?" I asked with a laugh.

He rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Yeah I do."


School was released probably an hour or so ago, Chris and I were sitting side by side on the swing talking about our day at school.

"Mrs. Ryan had me come up to her desk when we were taking notes and said my shirt was an "insubordination" and she'd have me suspended if I wore it again. She's yelled at me about it THREE TIMES. That bitch has nothing better to do than pick at people's clothes," Chris complained.

He was wearing a black Marilyn Manson shirt they had a cross and an inverted cross connected(Author speaking: I think I'm discribing it correctly. Sorry if I'm wrong).

"If it helps, Ms. Armstrong held me back after class one time so no one could hear her tell me I shouldn't wear jeans with holes because she thinks boys will find it "seductive" or "whoreish," I said.

"FINALLY someone told you!" he joked then nudged my arm.

"Hey!" I laughed and pushed him back.

Love Will Kill Us All-A Chris Motionless/Angelo Parente Love Story #3Where stories live. Discover now