Chapter 8

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~*Alexandria's P. O. V*~


Brandan now usually stays home when I visit Chris. Angelo takes his place, like today.

I was sitting in a chair next to Chris, holding his icy hand and Angelo was sitting in one against the wall, scrolling through his phone when suddenly, the heart monitor that indicated Chris' heart beat, went flat....

~*Angelo's P. O. V*~

All I heard was a long beep coming from the machine and my head snapped up, directing my eyes to Chris. The screen of the heart meter had a flat line across it.

"No," Alex mumbled.

Doctors and nurses, including Abigail charged in.

"NO! CHRIS! NO! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME! I NEED YOU!" she screamed.

"You two, you need to go," a male nurse with short black hair and a forest green uniform that read "Nurse Roger Bates" in gold stitching on the shirt pocket commanded as he scooted us out.

"NO! THAT'S MY HUSBAND!" she yelled at him.

I grabbed Alex from behind and dragged her out. Her struggles made my broken arm ache but I swallowed the pain down.

"Alexandria, calm down!"

"NO! CHRIS! NO!" she said, crying a waterfall.

"Alex! Alex! He's going to be okay!" I tried to ease.

She broken free of my grip and ran back into Chris' room. Right as she shoved the door open, a doctor pressed a defibrillator against Chris' chest and a shock went through him.

Her jaw hung open and she dropped to her knees. The male nurse that threw us out and one of the other male nurses in a royal blue uniform grabbed both of Alex's arms and forced her back into the hallway.

"Let me GO! NO! CHRIS!"

She kept shouting and crying as they tried to keep her out of the room. Finally, the nurse in the green uniform said,"Nurse Ferguson," then motioned his head to a nearby cart.

The other nurse quickly went to the direction he was motioned to, pulled a syringe out of one of the drawers, filled it with a clear liquid and hurried back to screaming Alex. He stuck the needle carefully in her left arm and sedated her. Before she had time to react, her eyes shut and her cries stopped.

"Alexandria?" I asked to see if she would respond.

She was out cold. Nurse Ferguson put the needle down on the cart while the other one picked up Alex like a bride and carried her off, with me following close behind.

My conscious repeated over and over again, "PLEASE pull through Chris. PLEASE. We need you."


~*Alexandria's P. O. V*~

My eyes slowly opened to see I was in a different hospital room. As I sat up, I put my hand on my head. It felt like someone shoved rocks in my skull.

"Hey, are you okay?" Angelo's concerned voice asked.

I looked to my right and saw him standing next to me.

"I'm fi-....Chris," I mumbled.

My heart raced so fast, I thought I was having a heart attack. He took my hand and squeezed it tight.

"He's okay. We can go back in his room now. I didn't want to go until you woke up."

I jumped out of the bed and stood on my feet. Luckily I still had on my long sleeve navy blue shirt, black skinny jeans, and black high tops. We quickly made our way down the hallway until we were outside Chris' room. Angelo opened the door and I ran to Chris' bedside, collapsed to my knees and stared at him through tears. The oxygen mask strapped on face was gone, which meant he could breathe on his own now. The wound on his head looked exactly the same as it did when I first saw it. A tear fell from my eyes and I faintly kissed his cold lips. Angelo knelt down beside me and kissed the side of my head as we looked at Chris.

Love Will Kill Us All-A Chris Motionless/Angelo Parente Love Story #3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora