Chapter 7

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~*Alexandria's P. O. V*~

I could tell it was early when I woke up. The clock on the bedside table confirmed my guess, it was only 5:45.

"Chris?" I whispered drowsily.

Only then did I remember he was still in the hospital, more than likely still unconcious. A lone tear ran down my cheek as I laid there in silence. The sun was just starting to rise. The sky was still dark but had hints of blue, purple, and pink peeking through. I couldn't find it in me to go back to sleep so instead I sat on the foot of the bed and checked the wounds on my right arm. There was dry blood covering the cuts and the skin around them was dark red.

"God, I can't let anyone see this," I mumbled.

I quickly searched through the dresser until I found my black long sleeve shirt. Luckily it still fit like a charm. I wore it a lot when I was pregnant so I wouldn't have been surprised at ALL if it didn't fit. I was pretty huge. I looked like I swallowed a watermelon. I then put on a pair of black shorts, and black sandals. As quietly but fast as I could, I snuck into Brandan's room where he was wide awake in his crib, kicking his feet around.

"Good morning my happy baby," I greeted him with a warm smile.

"Let's get you fed."

I picked him up, sat down on my old bed with him close in my arms, and started feeding him. It didn't take very long until he was done. I looked at his sweet face, his eyes were staring directly into mine.

"I love you."

I sat with him for a good ten minutes before I changed him and put on his Misfits onesie Rebel got for him. Those outfits still crack me up when I see them but they truly are the cutest thing on him.

"Let's go see Daddy," I said softly to him.

I swiftly tip toed downstairs with Brandan and went into the kitchen to get a pen and paper so I could let everyone know where I was even though it was OBVIOUS where I would be. Soon, I was out the door and in the convertible with Brandan strapped in his car seat. I always hold him when we're in the car but usually I'm not the one driving. My eyes kept flicking back and forth from the road to the backseat until I finally pulled into Saint Philip's hospital parking lot. After going through the lobby and down the hall, I was inside Chris' room once again.

"Chris?" I asked.


The stroller nurse Abigail brought in a week ago was still in it's place. I laid Brandan down in it then got down on my knees beside the hospital bed and held Chris' cold, unbroken hand.

"Please wake up," I begged through tears as I rested my face into the bed sheets.

~*Chris' P. O. V*~

I've been in darkness for FAR too long. I miss my best friends, my wife, my son. God I need to wake up. I could hear the door open and someone step in.

"Chris?" a sweet voice asked.

"Alexandria," I wanted to say.

I felt her warm hand in mine as she begged me to wake up. Even if I couldn't see her, I knew how upset she was. It broke my heart. Her soft sobs were the only sound in the room aside from the heart monitor that indicated my heart beat and the air generator that kept air flowing in and out of my lungs through an oxygen mask I felt strapped around my face.

"I should've asked you to stay home. This is my fault. I'm so sorry, Chris," she choked up with sadness in her voice.

"No. This isn't your fault. Please don't blame yourself," I thought to myself.

Her sweet, warm lips met my forehead.

"I love you," she whispered.

I felt one of her tears drip onto my cheek, she brushed it off with her thumb and left her hand on my face.

"I love you, Alexandria," my conscious said.

Brandan made a small cry from the opposite side of the room, causing Alex to leave my side.

"What is it? What's wrong honey?" she asked him in a soothing, hush tone.

She started faintly singing something. I tried piecing together what it was.

"I'm....ching....your in the....of....awn."

The Kiss of Dawn by HIM. That became our song that night we first kissed. We even danced to it at our wedding. Our wedding....


"Alright, can the bride and groom step on the floor?" Rebel requested through a microphone.

I took Alexandria's hand and we made our way to the center of the room.

Angelo took the mic and said,"It's time for your wedding dance."

The sound of a guitar began flowing from the speakers.

"The Kiss of Dawn," Alex said.

I smiled at her, she smiled back then draped her arms around my neck and mine were tight around her waist. Out of every person in this room, *SHE* was by FAR the most beautiful. No, beautiful doesn't even describe how she looks. She was....perfect. Our foreheads pressed together and we both sang the chorus to each other.

"I'm reaching for your shadow drowning in the kiss of dawn."

Her lips met mine like at the concert when she first said she loved me.

"I'll never love someone like I love you, Alexandria."

She smiled and kissed me again.


"Well good morning Alexandria," a female country accent greeted.

"Morning Abigail," she replied.

"You're here quite early. It's only 6:30," Abigail commented.

"I needed to see Chris."

She should be sleeping, not worrying about me. Come on, wake up! She needs me, I need her.

"I know. He'll wake up soon. I can't wait to meet him!" Abigail exclaimed cheerfully then continued,"I need to check his air concentrator. These things are so old, my great grandpa probably used one."

Both Abigail(who I'm guessing is either a nurse or a doctor)and Alex laughed. I miss her laugh, her smile, and mostly, her eyes. Her beautiful, beautiful eyes. The eyes I could stare into for eternity. I hope I wake up soon. The door creaked open again and a woman said,"Nurse Abigail, we need help delivering a baby."

"Ooh! I'm coming!" she cheered.

The door slammed shut and Alex was back by my side.

"That was us a week ago," she said as her fingers ran through my hair.

The day Brandan was was one of the greatest days of my life.


"Please," I begged.

Her face was dripping sweat and her eyes were drowning in pain. I couldn't stand seeing her like this, it was unbearable. She looked into my eyes then began pushing again as hard as she could.

"Don't stop! Don't stop! Keep going! I can see him coming!" Doctor Marie exclaimed with a massive smile.

"Come on, come on. Don't give up," I whispered under my breath.

Alex's face was almost completely red before she finally stopped. Her chest was sinking and rising with every deep, heavy breath she took. Finally, a small cry and before my eyes, my son was in Doctor Marie's hands.

"I'm a Father," I thought to myself.


Her faint sobs filled the room once again.

"Please wake up," she pleaded.

Her soft hand tightly gripped mine and her warm lips that felt like they were perfectly crafted for mine, landed on my cheek.

"I love you," she mumbled sorrily.

"I love you too," I wanted to say but couldn't.

Love Will Kill Us All-A Chris Motionless/Angelo Parente Love Story #3जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें