Chapter 16

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~*Angelo's P. O. V.*~

I was driving in the convertible with Rebel next to me in the passenger seat and Alex in the back with Brandan. She hardy spoke the entire way to the house. I swear, I'd kick Chris' ass but he's my best friend and Alexandria's husband so I'm letting it slide.

"This it?" Alex asked in the backseat.

"Yep," Rebel answered as I pulled into the driveway.

We got out and stared at the surroundings. The house was two stories and pale white, green grass across the lawn, and what we could see of a lake. A brunette woman in a grey pan suit holding a clipboard stepped out the front door and said,"Hello, are you Angelo and Emily?"

"Yes ma'am. We brought our friend Alexandria and her son Brandan if that's alright," I answered as I reached to shake her hand.

We shook hands and she said,"Let's take a look around."

The house was huge. Every room was a snow white color, the back doors were glass which revealed a pool and a lake. Rebel and I were standing in the master bedroom staring at the walls.

"Should we do it?" she asked.

"Only if you want to."

She gave me an iffy look then smiled.

"Let's do it."

I pulled her into a hug and said,"I love you Emily."

Instead of responding, she started kissing me. We continued to kiss each other until we heard Alex say,"You guys in-....oh, sorry."

We backed apart in a little bit of embarrassment then looked at her standing in the door way. I couldn't help but smile at how much her and Brandan looked alike. From their hair color to their matching D.R.U.G.S shirts.

"Like Mother like son," I said.

Alex smiled and looked at Brandan who started smiling as well. She kissed the side of his head and asked,"You guys make a decision?"

Rebel and I brought our attention to each other.

"Well?" Rebel asked.

~*Chris' P. O. V*~

I sat on the couch downstairs looking through pictures on my phone. I swiped through a bunch of them and relived the memories. One of Brandan and I after I came home from the hospital, the one of us all in Alex's hospital room after Brandan was born, one with Alex and I when she was seven months pregnant. She was wearing a black dress and I was wearing a black tux and had one arm around her waist and my other hand on top of her stomach. She had an arm around me and her hand on top of mine. We were all going out for Ghost's birthday that night. He hated that we were taking him out for a surprise dinner but he appreciated it. Another photo was actually one of Alex and I in high school at the park.


It was freezing cold and snowing outside when Angelo, TJ, Ryan, Alex and I were all at the park Alex and I always hang out at. TJ was off doing whatever TJs do, Ryan and Angelo were standing beside each other looking through their phones and Alex and I were walking around the place talking.

"Lovebirds!" TJ randomly shouted as he was laying in the snow making a snow angel.

He's such a weirdo.

"Shut up Bell!" I hissed at him.

He continued to flare his arms and legs in the snow and Ryan said,"He's just mad because you're right, TJ."

I rolled my eyes but smiled.

"Angelo, get a picture of Chris and I," Alex requested as she handed her phone to him.

"Alright, ready?" he asked.

At that moment, Alex jumped on my back which made us both start laughing. Ang smiled and the phone camera clicked. She got off me, retrieved her phone and we looked at the photo on her screen. She had on a dark grey jacket, matching beanie, black gloves and black jeans. Her arms were around my chest and her hair flowed in the breeze. I had a black sweater and black jeans on. My arms were holding her up, my black and red hair(Author's note: Yes, Chris did have red and black hair)was covering my face and we were both laughing.


I loved this picture of us. We had amazing times together and I possibly fucked them up because I can't shut my mouth. The sound of the front door opening made my head snap up to see Angelo, Rebel, Alex, and Brandan walking in the door.

"Hey, how'd it go?" I asked.

Angelo twirled a set of keys around his finger and smiled. I smiled back then got up to hug both of them.

"That's great guys!" I shouted.

"What?" Allie asked as she came down the stairs with Ryan following behind her.

"We got the house!" Rebel exclaimed.

Everyone immediately charged downstairs to congratulate them. My attention then turned to Alex. She saw me staring at her then quickly went up the stairs to escape. I followed behind her into Brandan's room, she had just placed him in his crib when I came in.

"Alex, can we talk?"

She ignored me then made her way out of the room until I grabbed her arm which made her stop and look at me with furious eyes.

"Can you say SOMETHING to me?" I asked.

"No," she responded sharply then jerked her arm out of my grip and went into our room.

I continued to follow her until she stopped in the middle of the room and began softly crying.

"Alexandria," I said as I put my arms around her waist.

She nudged me off then laid down in our bed. Fuck I REALLY screwed up this time.

~*Angelo's P. O. V*~

After everyone finished congratulating us, Rebel and I went to the garage, found a few cardboard boxes, then went to our room to start a little packing.

"Where did Chris and Al go?" she asked as she searched through her nightstand.

"Alex probably went to bed and Chris is probably sitting there watching her not doing shit about it."

"Angelo Parente, don't," she snapped.

"What!? He said he wished he left my fucking sister in a bathroom to DIE."

She stayed quiet then said,"You know how he gets heated when people fight with him. He would never mean something like that. He's tried talking to her, she just wont talk to HIM."

She was right. Alex just wouldn't talk to him no matter how much he tried. But that doesn't change what he said. We remained silent as we continued packing. Chris better fix this and fix it FAST.

Love Will Kill Us All-A Chris Motionless/Angelo Parente Love Story #3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant