Chapter 22

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~*Rebel's P. O. V*~

I decided to take a shower so I could wash the chlorine out of my hair after swimming for an hour. Not going to lie, swimming in a pool naked was one of the most terrifying things I've ever done. I know, I sound like a wuss but it's whatever I guess. I quickly finished up, got out and wrapped a towel around myself. Then I went to the dresser to find something to wear to bed. It needed to be but easy to slip off. Alright, I want Angelo and I to do it tonight. It's our first night in our new home and I want it to be special. I gave up looking in the dresser and decided to search in the closet. As I began to step away from the dresser, something popped into my head, what's more sexier than being naked?

"Worth a shot," I said out loud.

I threw the towel on the floor, got in bed and crawled under the bed spread. Moments later, Angelo stepped in wearing basketball shorts and no shirt.

"Hey," he said.


He turned off the lights then got in bed with me. One of his arms wrapped around my waist then he froze.

"Are you not wearing what I think you are?" he asked suspiciously.

I smiled and said,"You tell me," then crawled on top of him.

He laughed a little then started kissing me while his arms locked around me and held me close to his embrace. For some reason, I started thinking about Alex and Chris(probably because they have sex more often than anyone in the house). I wonder what they're doing.

~*Alexandria's P. O. V*~

I woke up at around 11:00pm, feeling Chris' arms tight around me. I felt something in my hand. When I opened my palm, I saw the note Angelo left for me. It broke my heart knowing he wasn't here. Suddenly, I started crying. I turned away from Chris and buried my face in my pillow so I wouldn't wake him up. I missed Angelo. He hasn't even been gone for twenty four hours and I felt like he has be gone forever. Something in me made me get up, go to the bathroom, and dig around in my drawer until I found the blade I used at Skylar and Hunter's. I stared at the metal in my hand then placed it against my right arm. I then saw my tattoo of my son's name. "Brandan Mitchell Cerulli" was directly under the blade.

"I wont hurt you," I whispered with tears in my eyes.

I put my right arm down then lifted up my left one. "Christopher Thomas Cerulli" was on it.

"I've hurt you enough, not anymore," I said as tears began to fall.

I immediately dropped the blade in the toilet and flushed it. I watched as it disappeared and felt a weight lift off my shoulders. I exited the bathroom and quietly went into Brandan's, flicking on a small light. In his crib, he was sleeping peacefully. I carefully picked him up and rested him in my arms.

"You and your Father are my reason to quit. I'm not leaving you guys. I love you both too much," I spoke softly was he slept.

He looked so tiny in my arms. To think, such a small baby made me so huge. I'll never forget the day he was born.


The baby has been kicking hard since I woke up. He's probably just getting ready since I only have three weeks left. I decided to try and ignore the harsh pressure change and continue on my day. Rebel, Angelo, and I were scattered in the kitchen, Rebel cleaning the table, Angelo sitting in one of the chairs, and me at the sink washing a few dishes. We were all talking when suddenly, the baby kicked extremely hard and water spilled on the floor. We all froze in silence and Rebel asked,"Alex, please tell me you spilled something."

No matter how much I wanted to believe that's what happened, I knew my water had just broken. I shook my head no and Angelo shouted,"Get Chris!"

She disappeared up the stairs and Angelo lead me to a chair.

"Just relax. It's all going to be okay," he assured.

I'm in labor, I'm going to see my baby soon. The baby that's been stretching out my stomach, kicking me, and moving inside me for the past eight months and one week.


I felt another tear as I looked at Brandan, remembering *HE* was the one that did all of that. No matter how painful labor was(trust me, it was unbelievable), it was all worth it in the end.

"I love you Brandan Mitchell," I said to him.

I kissed his soft cheek, he stirred a little but continued to sleep. I placed him back in his crib, quietly left his room, and snuck back into mine and Chris'. He was still sleeping when I laid back down next to him. I got as close to him as I could then ruffled with his hair while he slept.

"I love you Christopher Thomas. I always will. I'm so sorry for all the times I've hurt you. Especially when I hurt myself. Never again. I promise."

I kissed the side of his head, then he cheek, and then, his lips.

He moved a little then opened his eyes.

"Alex, what are you doing up?" he asked.

"Chris I'm so sorry," I said as I began crying then wrapped my arms around his neck.

He sat up then put his arms around me and said,"Hey, what's wrong? Shhh, don't cry."

He wiped the tears off my cheek and I said,"I woke up and was upset about Angelo. I went in the bathroom and looked for my blade."

He stared at me then grabbed my arms to see if I did it. He saw no cuts then let me continue,"I didn't do it. I saw your's and Brandan's names. I can't hurt my baby and I've hurt you far too many times."

"Alex," he said then hugged me again.

I cried against his bare chest as he held me close to him.

"Thank you for not doing it. That took a lot of strength. Please tell me you didn't keep that blade."

I shook my head no and said,"No, I flushed it."

He kissed my head and said,"That's my girl."

I kissed his chest and held him closer.

"I'm sorry for hurting you. I knew cutting myself made you upset and the pills....that was such a horrible accident. I mean, you almost ended your own life because of my stupid mistake and-"

My sentence ended we he pressed his lips against mine. I pulled him on top of me as I laid back down. He started kissing my neck which made me let out a slight moan. Someone pounded on the wall and shouted,"DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!"

Chris got off me the pulled me close in his arms. I snuggled up to him, resting my head between his chest and chin.

"I love you Alexandria," he said.

"I love you too Chris," I said back before drifting off to his steady heart beat.

Author's note: I'm sorry this took so long! Hopefully you enjoyed it! Thought I'd let you know, my Farewell, My Love concert experience is up and ready to read! PLEASE read it and let me know what you think :-) LOVE YOU GUYS AND DOLLS! <#

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