Chapter 9

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Again, oh-so fucking sorry I've gotten so bad at publishing :-(

I'm trying though! Thank you everyone for hanging in! I love you with all my heart you guys and dolls! <3 :-*

~*Chris' P. O. V.*~

After another week in the hospital, I was FINALLY approaching our front door with Alex by my side, holding Brandan. I stuck my head in the door and shouted,"If there's another party in here I'm going back to the hospital."

Alex laughed and said,"Come on, get in there."

"There's no party. Too late for that," Rebel said as she and Angelo emerged from the kitchen.

"Knowing you, a party is possible at ANY time," I joked with a smirk.

"Where's everyone else?" Alex asked.

"Sleeping. They decided to turn in early tonight. We thought we should stay and wait for you three to get home," Angelo answered.

"Well, it's 9:41, I'm taking Brandan to bed," Alex informed as she began to make her way up the stairs.

"I'm heading up with you," Rebel agreed, following directly behind her.

Angelo watched Alex with an odd look until her, Brandan, and Rebel disappeared. He knows something....

"Something up?" I questioned.

He rubbed the back of his neck and let out a massive breath.

"Alex...." he began.

"What about her?"

He sighed again and said,"Roll up her sleeves."

I gave him a curious stare until I realized what he meant.

"She didn't...."

He nodded his head slowly and I immediately darted up the stairs, storming into our room. She had just changed into black shorts and a white long sleeve shirt when I came in. I can't just *MAKE* her show me. I gotta distract her.

"You okay?" she asked suspiciously.

"Uhh....sorry. Thought I heard you calling me," I lied.

She helped me take off my shirt then let me put on my black sweat pants by myself.

Suddenly, a light went off in my head. I know how I can see her arms. With her back facing toward me, I slowly snaked my good arm around her waist and trailed kisses on her neck. She placed her hands on mine and smiled.

"Really going to try this?" she asked.

I ignored her question and carefully attempted to pull her shirt off. She quickly turned to me and said,"Not tonight. You need to rest."

Before I could respond, I yanked one of her sleeves up and stared at her arm wide eyed. They were covered in long, thin cuts from her wrist to her forearm.

"Angelo told you," she spoke quietly.


A tear rolled down her cheek and she held her head down. I pulled her other sleeve up, revealing the exact same wounds. I sighed and held her close.

"Alex, you CAN'T keep doing this to yourself. This is the third time since we've met that I caught you. Last time you ended up in the hospital."

"I know," she mumbled.

We laid down in our bed and held each other close. Her head was nuzzled into my neck, mine rested on top of her's, my bad arm was around her shoulders while my good one was wrapped around her waist. Every few minutes, I would kiss her head and she would kiss my neck.

Love Will Kill Us All-A Chris Motionless/Angelo Parente Love Story #3Where stories live. Discover now