Chapter 1: After the Holidays

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Messenger Group Chat

(Argentum Viridis)


Pparkinson: Omg! He did not just do that did he?

Bzabini: What in the world is this?

----Dmalfoy left the group----

----Pparkinson added Dmalfoy----

----Pparkinson set the nickname for Dmalfoy to The Diva----

----Dmalfoy left the group----

----Tnott added Dmalfoy----

Dmalfoy: Bloody hell T!

Tnott: What? Don't be such a diva.

Pparkinson: Right, T?

Bzabini: Parkinson, what the flying fuck is this?

Pparkinson: As I was saying...

Pparkinson: Have you seen the Weasel's profile picture?

Dmalfoy: I don't see why I have to be concerned about it. Shite you're up to Parkinson?

Bzabini: Well that was something.

Tnott: What was?

Tnott: Interesting.

Dmalfoy: I doubt there's anything interesting about him.

Dmalfoy: The only interesting thing about Weasley is Granger.

Bzabini: Exactly.

Dmalfoy: They broke up didn't they? So that makes him even more irrelevant now.

Pparkinson: Check his profile D.

Dmalfoy: I will do no such thing.

Tnott: Weasley's not in mine and Draco's mutual friends list.

Dmalfoy: Cause we aren't friends.

Pparkinson: Jeez. The cheating bastard's account is set to public.

Dmalfoy: Cheating?

----Tnott added Llovegood----

Bzabini: Hello there Lovegood. :)

Llovegood: Hi Blaise. Mars and Venus in battling positions again.

Bzabini: As I see it. Yes.

Dmalfoy: Hey, what's that about cheating?

Tnott: I thought you weren't interested?

Pparkinson: As much as planet talks are stellar, we're not here to talk about it. @Bzabini @Llovegood

Tnott: Did you just deliver pun?

Pparkinson: Just look at the damn profile D!

Dmalfoy: I told you I will not do it.

Dmalfoy: Why can't you just tell me about it? I bet you're dying to.

---- Llovegood added Hpotter ----

Hpotter: What is this?

Bzabini: Same thing I asked earlier Potter.

Tnott: Scroll up Harry.

---- Hpotter added Gweasley ----

Hpotter: I didn't think it was that at first. Ron's an arse. Sorry Gin.

Gweasley: You don't need to apologize Harry. You're right anyway.

Pparkinson: What in the world!?

Pparkinson: I was gone for a sec and you invited Weasley.

Tnott: Harry did.

Pparkinson: Is that so?

Pparkinson: Hi Harry. Sorry Gin. I thought it was the other Weasley.

Bzabini: Yeah, right.

Dmalfoy: What's Potter doing here?

Dmalfoy: Argentum Viridis means Green and Silver. See? Exclusive for Slytherins.

Hpotter: Luna added me.

Bzabini: Burn.

Hpotter: Besides, if you're going to talk about my best friends, I should be involved in it.

Dmalfoy: Then do explain what shite this is.

Hpotter: Well I only knew of the break up through text. Ron sent me a message asking me for a favor.

Hpotter: Take care of Hermione.

Bzabini: What load of bollocks is that?

Dmalfoy: Granger doesn't need taking care of.

Llovegood: Maybe so. But who knows?

Dmalfoy: I still don't see the point of this chat.

Pparkinson: *sent picture of Lavender with the Weasleys*

---- Tnott added Hgranger ----

Dmalfoy: Oh, for the love of Salazar!

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