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Konstantin Ivanov

I set a polished black oxford into the lavish, leathery private room at Lapochka to be greeted by the scent of cigars and cheap perfume as Nika pushes a buxom blonde from his lap to rise to his feet with that same fiendish smirk on his face that he'd worn the last time I saw him at my apartment.. "Reaper! I waz beginning to wonder about you.. I waz considering if perhapz the rumours were true.. I am surprized you have 'ze balls to show your face.."

"I am tired ov' hearing thiz talk ov' rumours, Nika.. Why do you not just tell me what it iz.. What must I do to prove my loyalty?" I fold my arms and watch as he waves a dismissive hand to rid the women from the room, sending them scurrying away in their stilettos..

"You did have evury opportunity already, Reaper.. All you have proven iz that you are 'ze same volatile and untrustworthy cur 'zat Moscow denounced.." He circles the sofa to the gilded bar cart where he lifts a bottle of beluga with a golden seal and cracks the top.. My eyes travel over the shapley glass bottle and linger on the way his greedy fingers clasp at the expensive label.. A man of predictable behaviour makes himself vulnerable and that is exactly what Nika is, a creature of habit.. Always treating women as disposable playthings, always underestimating the limits and boundaries of others, always drinking the same brand of vodka.. Always acting like a fucking asshole..

He pours out two glasses, offering me the second to which I shake my head in unheard of refusal.. He scoffs and arches a surprised brow at me as he sets the bottle back down and sloshes the liquid in his glass before downing it's contents in one single gulp.."I think it iz time your usefulness has run it's course.."

I watch him lick his greedy lips as he reaches for a second pour.. One really was enough, but in typical Russian flair he just can't resist another..

"Tsk tsk.. I suppoze Timur iz just as capable az any ov' the other mudaks you employ.." I shake my head with the click of my tongue.. "You must miss prison, Nika, if you are desperate to go back.."

He will never see the inside of a cell again, in fact he will not see tomorrow, but he is still to discover that I have already taken the upper hand..

His dark eyes narrow on me.. "You are so vury sure ov' yourself, Ivanov.. Thiz iz the same hubris you did use to refuse my orders and I grow sick of thiz insubordination.. I have opened my home to you, I make you rich, you drink my vodka, you fuck my women and still you have the audacity to withhold from me a simple favour.. You must have known that I could not allow you to keep a blossom as beautiful as Miss O'Clereigh for yourself.. This arrogance can not continue-"

"You have alwayz had my loyalty Nika.. But I have already told you, you can not have my woman.. This iz not negotiable.. I have done nothing to earn such distrust.."

The smug smirk of satisfaction on his face makes my stomach turn and I find it increasingly difficult to bite my bitter tongue.. "We will see about that.. I have for you a job.. If you complete thiz order, I will consider allowing you to return to my good graces.."

I nod.. "Tell me who and I will make it happen.."

"There iz an Irishman, a detective who pokes around my businezz and interferes with my profits.. You will ride with me and make sure he iz no longer a problem for 'ze Bratva.. I will see thiz body drop and you will be absolved.."

He must think I am a fucking idiot.. As if I hadn't figured out his intentions by now.. He really thinks he can walk me down death row like some unsuspecting sacrificial lamb to the slaughter..

Nyet.. I am too well versed in this business and too well respected amongst the brotherhood to be crept upon like that.. I am no fool.. And I am no lamb..

RED REAPER - Soldiers Of Fortune [book one]Where stories live. Discover now