Phone Calls

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Sorry for not updating, I know I said I will but things at home got a little stessfull and also I started going back to School since HomeSchoolinh wasn't working out very much, I hope I am able to write more and update, Again very sorry. Hope you all enjoy.

Misaki's POV.

As we started the test, I got a phone call from someone who I didn't know, The number was private so I didn't bother to answer it also because I was in the middle of doing a test. When we were about 15 Minutes into the test, My phone rang again it was that private number again, Maybe they have the wrong number or was given the wrong name number by accident.
Incase it started ringing again I turned my phone off so it wouldn't distract me from the test.

After the test was all finished I turned my phone on again, 7 Missed calls from that private number. I wonder why they kept trying to call me if they know I wasn't going to answer it since it's private and I don't know who it is. I walked over to Sumi who was waiting in the same spot we always sit at in the cafeteria, I didn't bother telling him about the phone calls since they weren't really that important.

"How do you think you went on the test?" Sumi smirked, "Pretty good, Well I hope so anyway. How about you?" I laughed "Haha who knows I am hoping I passed or atleast got a few questions right on it." Sumi giggled a little, "Well let's just hope you did."

After we had lunch it was time to head back into calls, Before I entered the room I got a text message, It was from that private number again, Why do they keep on trying to get in contact with me? I looked at the text they sent, " Why do you keep ignoring our calls, We know you are getting them we can see you." It was a little disturbing as if they are watching me, I didn't really take any mind to it because they could just be pulling a prank so I ignored the text and headed to my next class.

Sumi stared at me as I entered the room and sat next to him "What took you so long, I thought you were right behind me?" I looked over at him "Ah sorry I got a little side tracked on my way, The class hasn't started yet has it?" I still didn't want to mention the text or phone calls to worry him because it could just be a prank to get me frightend or something like that, "No it hasn't, You're lucky since Mr. Hiroki doesn't like us being late at all, He can be really scary sometimes." I laughed, "Yeah he can be pretty scary when he is angry." We both laughed for a bit and went silent when Mr. Hiroki walked in.

As class ended and it was time to head home, Sumi and I walked to the gate were I saw Usagi-san waiting for me like he usually does. I said goodbye to Sumi and went to Usagi, We got in the car and started to head home, I asked if we could head to the store for a bit so I could get a few things for dinner tonight.
When we got home I started to make dinner and asked Usagi-san to set the table, Tonight we were just having Ramen since I was tired from studying from last night. After we finished eating I went to watch a bit of tv, Usagi went back up stairs to finish the rest of his work since he is close to a deadline.

While watching tv, My phone rang again it was strange, But this time I answered it, "Hello?" There was a strang noise in the background as if they were going up an elevator, "Hello? Is this some kind of prank? If it is it's not funny!" The noise stopped, Then I heard a slight giggle it sounded like a man, After he giggled a bit he finally replied "No, Better watch your back for now kid." Then the man hung up, I was a little scared about what he said but I didn't really wanna think about it. "Who was that?" I turned around and saw Usagi-san behind me, "I thought you were upstairs working?" Usagi smiled "Coffee break." He said as he walked over and sat next to me, "What is it?" Usagi looked at me with a strange expression "Who were you yelling at on the phone just then?" Usagi sat there staring at me waiting for a reply, "It was no one, Just a prank caller." I didn't want to worry him to much since it wasn't really anything inportant anyway, Just what the man said left me curious. Why should I watch my back? Is something going to happen to me or was he just trying to scare me into thinking that?.

I looked up Usagi who was still staring at me, He drank the rest of his coffee then started to head back up to finish the rest of his work, Atleast he didn't ask anymore questions, But then again he is being pretty quiet today maybe because he needs to work, He is always like this before he meets a deadline so I was pretty use to it.
After watching tv for a bit, I started to headed up to the room to finish the rest if my homework before going to bed, I already finished most of it at school so there wasn't much to do on it which is good since I was pretty tired anyway.

I managed to finish the rest of it and decided to go to bed, Lucky tomorrow was a day off so I could sleep in for a bit. As I got into bed Usagi walked into the room to get his Pj's on and go to bed as well. "Misaki" I heard Usagi call my name "Yeah?" I turned and looked at him "Come here" I blushed a little and shuffled over towards him, He put his arms around me and started falling asleep with me in his arms.

Cute =^*^=
Sorry for not updating in so long had and still have a lot of. Problems going on at home but I will try to update, I'll start wrighting the next chapter now so I'll have half done.

Some chapters might be a little shorter and some might be long depending on what is going on in the next few weeks but I still still update!

Also, I was thinking after I finish doing this I could do a Ben x Jeff Creepypasta Fanfic, Or post the one I'm doing now (It's about a Wizard named Aria who lives in a small town and everyone hates her and is scared of her until a man comes into town) It goes on from there no spoils because I might post it (But it isn't a Yaoi but I will probably add a gay couple in it maybe)

Other than that, I hope everyone enjoys this chapter, I won't say anything about the person who keeps calling Misaki, I'll only say he is helping Misaki not trying to hurt.
Thank you! Hopw you enjoy =^.^=

Also sorry for only focusing on Misaki, I am still thinking on stuff I can wright about for Usagi's POV but yeah I will try!

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