Misaki has a fever.

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Misaki's POV.

I woke up to see Usagi not here, he must have gotten up early or something.

"Oh, you're finally awake."
I rose from lying on my back and saw the great Usagi standing there, I felt a sharp pain go through my head.
I placed my hand on my forehead it was burning hot.
I couldn't look at him directly, the light from the door was hurting my eyes and making my head feel worse.
I began coughing, it hurt my throat a lot.
"I think I have a fever..."

Usagi started to walk over towards me then placed his head on mine, "Yeah, it's pretty hot, I'll go get you some medicine, but first you might wanna get out of bed and put some clothes first."
I was confused, but then I remembered what we did last night, the bed was still wet as well.
"Oh great lord Usami Akihiko, why didn't you get a fever? We slept in the same bed."
My voice was a little horsey so it made him laugh.
"Because I'm not an idiot."
I grabbed the closest thing I could reach which was a pillow and through it at him, but sadly I missed since the fever was making me weak.

"Better luck next time."
"Shut up."

I got up out of bed and made my way to my old bedroom since the sheets were clean, I got some clothes and changed into them, it was hard to walk, my head was thumping and my vision wasn't the best at the moment.

I used the wall as a balance so I wouldn't fall over, I felt a hand grab my free arm, "This is kind of my fault, so let me help you."
Usagi helped me walk to the bedroom and get some clothes on.
"This was mostly my fault so you get some rest and feel better I will change the sheets to the bed."

Usagi blamed himself? Wow that's a first.

"O-ok, thanks."

He walked out of the room and I rested on the bed then fell asleep.

Usagi's POV


It was rare for Misaki to get sick so I might as well let him rest since it was also partly my fault that he got sick anyway, note to self don't ever sleep completely naked after getting out of the shower and not drying yourself.

I walked into the room with some new sheets and began to strip the bed, Misaki normally did this so it was kind of hard for me to do it.
After making the bed and taking the sheets of I went to go wash them, it took longer than I thought it was going to take to change them.

While waiting for the sheets to finish in the wash I decided to go check on Misaki, he was sound asleep in the bed, he was sweating a bit though, I guess he really was sick.
I walked out to let him sleep on peace so I didn't wake him up.

I waited for another hour or so for the sheets to finish washing then went to go and hang them up, it took awhile since Misaki was the one to do all this kind of stuff.

Coming back inside I heard someone walking through the house, I looked up stairs and saw Misaki walking towards the bathroom.
He turned around and looked at me, his face was read from the fever.
"How are you feeling?"
"Tired and my head hurts."
I couldn't hear him very well, his throat was low.

I walked up the stairs then placed my palm on his forehead, it was hot, very hot.

"Do you need anything to drink? I would cook you something but I can't cook at all."
"No, I just want to go toilet then rest again."
"Okay, call me if you need anything."
"Ok, thank you Usagi."

Misaki's POV

After going to the toilet I headed back towards the bedroom, my vision was blurred, my head was thumping, it was hard to walk, Usagi didn't help me this time since he was in another room working on his novel.

I made it to the bedroom in one piece, placed myself back onto the bed and tried to go back to sleep, my head was hurting so much that it was stopping me from going to sleep, maybe I should take up Usagi's offer and get a drink, maybe he could at least make me a bowel of soup or something. I needed something though, my throat was dry and in pain so I reached for my phone and called Usagi.

What he said call him if I need anything, it's not like I can yell at the moment anyway.

"Yes Misaki?"
"Uhm, c-can you *cough* bring me something to drink please?"
"Sure, anything else?"
"Something warm, maybe soup?"
"I can try."
"Thank you."
The call finished and I could hear him open and close the door then walk downstairs.

After about 10 or 20 minutes I heard him walk upstairs again, he opened my door, he had a bowel in one hand and a cup in the other.

The bowel had chicken soup in it and the cup was filled with water.
"Thank you."
I sat up and had a bit of the soup, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, he did pretty good on this.

Usagi sat down on the end of the bed, he stared down at the ground for awhile then back at me, I think he was waiting for me to finish eating and drinking.
He sat down for another 5 minutes until I finished my soup and water, he took both from my hands then walk back downstairs.

I started to drift off back to sleep until I felt something heavy sit next to me, I opened my eyes to see Usagi laying next to me on the bed.
"What?" He smirked.
"This is a single bed and I am sick! That's what."
He is such a pain sometimes.
"I want to be with my Misaki."
Of course you do.
"Ugh, fine. But don't do anything, I want to sleep."
I turned my back to him then closed my eyes, I felt him put his hand around me then pull me closer, making it warmer then it was before.
"What did I say?"
"I'm not doing anything, just cuddling."
Yeah normally that leads to other stuff.
I'll trust him just this once, I'm sick I don't think he will do anything other then cuddle, well at least I hope not.
"Have a good rest, Misaki."
I felt his breath hit the back of my neck, it made me blush.
"Y- yeah.."
With that we both ended up falling asleep for the rest of the night.

As morning came, my head didn't hurt as much as it did yesterday and Usagi was still asleep behing me, I sat up and looked at him, he must have been really tired.

Looking at him more closely, I could see that he had been drooling.
Yea, drooling.
He really was tired.

Okay for those who don't get the start of it as I said in the updates from before I'll be making a Misaki and Usagi one shot of them doing stuff, so I have done that, it is up.
So if you do not understand go and read that to understand and if you aren't into reading that stuff I'll put it short.

Misaki and Usagi did things in the shower, finished off in bed without drying themselves so Misaki got sick, the end.

Anyway sorry for slow updates, I have 4 assignment from school to do so it's hard.


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