It begins.

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So once I finish this which will be soon I'll be editing this, so if you read it again a few things will probably be different.
Usagi's POV. (Oooo)
It's been a couple of days since the 'incident' at my award party, I still feel slightly annoyed about what happen, but also happy since Misaki got all jealous, he was cute.

The day after it happen, the girl has been quiet, Misaki thought she might try something so he has been on his guard for awhile, it was making me a little worried since he wasn't sleeping properly.

I hope he is alright, he really knows how to make someone worry.
Right now he was at school, I told him he should stay home and rest but he said he has already taken to many days off already.

I might be overthinking it but the woman must had given up since I kissed Misaki in front of her, Misaki has been in touch with the Hachiro kid but he said that Chika had been acting normal like she used to and her room was back to normal.

It was almost time for me to go pick up Misaki, since we made a deal, I said he can go to school only if I can take him and pick him up, he agreed with a sigh without fighting back, so I was happy about that.

I decided to do a bit of work to pass some time I didn't have much left on it so I could easily finish it before I go and pick up Misaki.

(Time skip, sorry hehe)

I got into the car and drove down to the University, Misaki was waiting outside the gate with that Sumi kid and Hachiro, they were all talking so I guess they were all friends.

I never liked Sumi and I probably never will, but Hachiro wasn't as bad, I don't have any hate to him and I'm actually grateful that Hachiro helped Misaki but also happy that he hasn't made a move on him.

No one touches my Misaki.

Misaki saw my car then waved the other two goodbye before getting in, he buckled his seatbelt and I began to drive home, the ride home was quiet, only a few words here and there, not much of a conversation.

We walked back inside the apartment, Misaki went upstairs into his old room to put his things down.

Yes, even though he sleeps with me in my room now, he still uses the other for his clothing, school work all that other stuff, I didn't mind since no one was going to stay over.

I walked over to the couch to sit down, my phone started ringing, I checked the caller I.D, to my surprise it was Hiroki, I answered the phone and he had his weird attitude like always.

"Hiroki." I said with a smirk.
"Do you mind if I crash tonight?"
"Hmmm, why?"
"I kind of had a fight with a certain someone."
"Haha, sure come on over."
"Thanks, see you in a few."
I hung up the phone and saw Misaki staring at me with a confused look, then I remembered, Hiro is Misaki's teacher at school, well this is about to get interesting.

"Who was that?" Misaki asked as he walked over to the kitchen to make a coffee.
"A friend, he is staying the night."
"Oh, is it anyone I know?"
"It is someone you are acquainted to yes."
"What is their name?"
"Kamijou, Hiroki Kamijou."
Misaki's eyes widened at the name.

I couldn't help but laugh, he is so cute when he is surprised, "Yes that's him."
"W-why is he coming here?"
"Because he asked to."
"D-does he know about us?"
He opened his mouth to say something but closed it knowing it isn't going to get him anywhere.

Misaki walked off into his old room to do homework, I stayed out on the couch waiting for Hiro to arrive, about half an hour later the door bell rang.

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