New Guy.

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Misaki's POV

It's been about a week since I had gotten those phone calls, maybe it was just some prank caller or something just to trying and scare me.

As I walk into school, there was a croud? Why a croud? I walked over to see what it was, to my surpirse it was a tall handsom man. I saw Sumi-senpai walking towards me, "Senpai... What's going on?" Sumi looked over at the croud, "Ah that, he is a new guy."

"New guy?, Then why is everyone crouding him?"
"Because he is supposed to be some rich kid."
"Ehhh, that's why everyone is crouding him... Especially the girls."

Sumi laughed at my comment, "Yes Misaki now, let's go to class before we are late." I looked over at the guy again, it seemed that he had noticed me staring and smiled so I quickly went to class with Sumi.
As we entered the room a few more students had walked in, following behind them was the new guy. He took a seat next to Sumi and I. He did that smile again, "Hello." I looked over at Sumi, he was also staring at the new guy smiling. "Hello, I'm Sumi." Sumi then glanced at me "Uh, I'm Misaki."
"Well it's nice to meet you, I'm Hachiro."
Sumi and I both looked at each other then and him, "Yeah, nice to meet you."

Finally, as class ended Sumi and I went to the cafeteria, got some lunch then sat down at our usual spot only to have the new guy sit with us.
"Uh, I hope you don't mind, I don't know many people here yet so do you mind if I sit with you guys?"
He looked then smiled at me again.
"Sure, Misaki, do you mind?"
"Uh, he can stay."
I felt awkward.
He wouldn't stop smiling at me, does he know me from somewhere? Maybe from work? Is he a friend of Usagi's? No, I doubt he would know Usagi. Maybe he was a customer or something from work...

Before finishing my food, I noticed Hachiro on his phone, a few seconds later I recived a text. Getting my phone out and looking at the text, "You should eat more." I quickly looked around then back at my phone, was someone watching me? Then looking up I looked at Hachiro, who was resting his head on his arm on the table and his other up near his hair, smiling.

Could he? No. There's no way he would send me a text in public, but what if he was the guy sending me those messages? Am I supposed to be afraid? I don't know how to act, I got up from the table then made my way out of the cafeteria without cleaning up.

I started walking towards the bathroom to try and clear my head, opening the door I washed my face with water, turning around I see Hachiro, standing there watching me still of course having that smile on his face.
"W-what do you want?"
I couldn't help but feel nervous.
"Misaki, sorry if I scared you back in the cafeteria, I just thought I should tell you."
"T-tell me what?"
"That, well... Uh."
"I'm the guy who was sending those messages."
He confessed? Why would he confess? What is going on, I am so confused.
"I jusy wanted you to know that and also I wanted to tell you that I am not your enemy, I want to help you."
Help me?
"Help me with what?"
What does he need to help me with?
"Well you see, I found out that my sister has been well, stalking the man you are living with, Usami Akhiko."

What? How did he know I was living with Usagi?
"And well, I also know that you and him are in a relationship."
"I saw you guys kissing at the beach one time."
"Well what I'm saying is if my sister finds out she will spread it around."
I can't belive it.

"Why would she spread it around if she finds out?"
"Well because, she not only stalks Usami but she also writes every movement he does, blogs about him and shares any secret she can about him, she is seriously insane."

I didn't know what to think.
"Then how can you help me?"
"Well, I haven't thought of that yet but I'll try my best to make sure she doesn'y go near you or Usami."
He didn't seem like a bad guy, I guess I cam trust him a little.
"Also, sorry for sending those texts, I didnt mean to freak you out or anything I just needed you to know that I'm here to help, I hope we can become friends."
A smile appeared on my face,
"Yeah, me too."

Finally after a long day of school, I finally got home, for some reason all I wanted was to see Usagi, opening the front door then walking into the apartment, I saw Usagi in the kitchen making coffee, "I'm home."
"Welcome home."
I walked over to Usagi after dumping my bag on the couch and hugged him from behind, "Misaki? Did something happen?" He said turning over so we were now facing each other, "No, nothing." I could feel my cheeks getting warm, knowing I was blushing, it brought a smile onto my face, Usagi, smiling as well, hugged me back even tighter.

"Usagi, I-"
The doorbell rang.
We let eachother go, I made my way to the door and it, not liking the sight.
Usagi came up behind me, quickly covering my eyes and pushing me back, he closed the door and carried me to the couch.
I think I was almost in tears, Usagi, holding me as tight as he could in his arms, I could feel that he was angry, why would anyone do this? Eventually tears came running down my face, I got up out of Usagi's grasp, went running upstairs into our bedroom, hearing Usagi follow behind.
We both sat down on the bed, me in Usagi's arms agaim, crying.
I couldn't get the sight of what I saw out of my head, it was so small but hurt so much, it was a piece of paper, A4 size witj words on it, words that got to me bad, it read *Misaki Takahashi, Usami is mine, get in the way and I will kill you!*

After crying for who knows how long, I was finally able to get to sleep, I guess it made me feel better knowing Usagi was with me holding me, I really do love him.

Hope everyone enjoys!
I also have published a new story so if you wish to read it, it's called "The Way He Looks At Me" only one part at the moment so yeah.
-Not an Anime related story, own words based off nothing-

Sorry this chapter was late, school gets in the way heaps also I was writing that other one aha.

Please leave me some feedback on this, I really would like to know what I can improve and what I should do for the next chapter.

Thank you for reading.

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