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Ooo, my coughing fit is now over, I'm still alive!
Honestly, I wanted this to be up earlier but I got so tired.
Note to self: stop going to bed at 5am, reading and writing is taking over your life.
But I have energy now! I ate a bowel of nuggets so yeah.

Anyway hope this will be longer, enjoy =)

Misaki's POV

After I finished messaging Hachiro we decided that we should meet up at the place we met up last time, I agreed and told Usagi, he happily agrred to, I guess he likes Hachiro then.

I walked to the cafe keeping an eye out, I was over reacting a bit to much since I was jumping at every noise I heard, god I wish I wasn't so scared I mean she is a girl, what harm could she do? Well probably a lot, not on the abuse side but more on the side where her threats and stalking may want to break you down and cry until you can't handle it anymore.

Wow that was deep.

I was letting my mind run, I didn't realise that the traffic light was green, the cars started honking at me signiling me to get out of the way, I brought myself out of my daze and quickly ran back onto the foot path, wow if I got hit just then Usagi would be wanting to go to another town again or even send me to my brothers saying "It wasn't a coincidence, she was in the car" or something along those lines.

( A/N sorry if there is any spelling mistakes, I'm on my laptop and it won't tell me if I made a mistake and because I'm writing so fast I don't realise until it's either published or someone points it out.)

I walked into the cafe Hachiro and I were supposed to meet at, he was there waiting for me while drinking a coffee and looking at stuff on his phone.
I walked over and sat across from him, he looked up at me then smiled.

"Hey Misaki."
"So how's everything?"
"What do you think?"
"Haha, yeah I know, I'm sorry."
"Don't apologise, it's not your fault."
"Still she is my sister, I could of stopped her ages ago but I did nothing."
"You didn't know it was going to get like this, don't blame yourself."
"Thanks Misaki."

The waitress came over to our seats and asked if we wanted anything, Hachiro said no and I got a coffee like I usually do when I'm here, Hachiro and I began talking more about Chika and how to avoid what she is doing.

"She hasn't been home since last night."
"Yeah she went out last night but hasn't come home, I thought she was at a friends but when you said a package was at your house with the photos from her room and death threats towards you I re thinked it, honestly I have no idea where she is or what she is up to anymore, she doesn't tell me anything, she has barley spoken to me since that night at the party."
"Do you have an ideas where she could be?"
"No the only place I could think of is her friends but she isn't there, I even called up and asked them I even went over to make sure they weren't lying."

I guess his protective instint is kicking in, she may be a stalker along with someone who threatens people but she is still a human and Hachiros sister.
"I'll help you find her."
"Eh Misaki? But she-"
"I know, but there could be two possibilities with this,
1. She could of gotten kidnapped and 2. She could of ran away to a friends house you don't know about or to some abandoned place to either plot more things or to get away from everything."

Hachiro looked a little upset with what I thought but it's better then thinking she could of died or something.
I decided to call Usagi saying I'm going to be out later then usual and not to worry, he trusted me so he said okay, I'm glad he isn't as clingy comapred to what he used to be when I first moved in.

Hachiro and I got into his car then started searching the streets, yelling out her name and trying to call her on her cell but nothing came up, it was starting to get late so we decided to head home, Hachiro dropped me off at the apartment complex then went home, I told him if something happens or if she shows up I would call him straight away, he thanked me for that.

I walked up to where out apartment was, I opened the door and was shocked at what I saw, it was her, she was here, she was standing in front of me, she was staring at me.
I felt myself starting to shake, I went to reach for my phone to call Hachiro but I was frozen in place, I can't belive I was scared of her, where was Usagi? Was he home? Did he let her in? Why isn't he here with me?

Usagi's POV

I decided to go down to the shops and get some groceries since we were running low on things, I walked out the door, Misaki could let himself in since he also had a key so it was fine, I walked out and went to the shops.

I got everything I needed then started to head home after paying for it all, when I got back I put my car in the usual spot then walked back up to the apartment with the groceries.
When I got up I saw Miskai standing at the door, he looked scared like he saw a ghost or something.
No reply, he didn't even look at me, he just stood there in a frozen stance, I walked up to him and looked to see what got him so worked up, when I saw what it was I qickly pulled him away then stood in front of him.

"Don't you know how to give up?"
I was so over that woman, can't she just leave us be!?
She started to move forward so she was standing closer to me and Misaki, she then started to sit down, she was now sitting on her legs and her hands were on the ground, she lowered her head so she was now doing a looking at the ground.

"I'm so sorry for everything!"
Was she being seriouse?
"I'll never do it again!"
She is...

Misaki's POV

I felt a tug and saw Usagi, he pulled me behind him then started saying something, I didn't hear my mind was just running everywhere, I gathered the courage to look back at the girl, she was kneeling on the floor with her head down.
Wait did I hear that right? Did she just say she was sorry?
"I'm so sorry for everything!"
"I'll never do it again!"
This girl is really crazy.
I just remembered that I would call Hachiro if she showed up, I decided to text him instead of calling since I couldn't get any words out of my mouth, he replied saying he was on his way, Usagi was still standing in front of me being protective.

"What makes you think you have the right to act like a stalker, take photos, crash a party then send Misaki death threats and pictures of me, then breaking and entering someone elses house, what makes you think you can say sorry just like that? Do you really think we will forgive you?" Usagi was furious, he was pratically yelling at her.

"I-I know I did bad things, but I couldn't help it, I liked you way to much but when you and that kid kissed at the party, I decided to just give up, i knew I wouldn't have a chance and those photos and death threats that were in the box, I sent them so you could throw them out, I didn't have the courage to throw them, I didn't mean for it to be something mean, I'm seriously sorry."

Before she could continue Usagi pulled me into the house and threw me on the couch, Chika had followed us in so we were now all in the longeroom.
Usagi motioned for her to sit on the couch, she did just that and Usagi sat next to me.

She started talking some more, explaining why she did it all, but no matter what she said I still thought she was insane.
She was going to continue until someone opened the door, Hachiro had walked into the loungeroom, he saw Chika then ran to her bringing her into a hug.
"Don't you ever leave like that again! Do you know how much you made me worry!"
"I-I'm sorry..."
"Misaki and I spent the rest of the day searching for you!"
Usagi shot me a look, I looked away knowing he is going to talk to me later.

We all had sat down and talked everything out, she explained and apologised over an over again, she was going to say one more thing but then Hachiro spoke up.
"I think you should go to the police."

Told you another one was popping up tonight.
While I was writing this I got more nuggets and almost dropped one on my laptop, that would of been horrible!

Anyway, I wonder what is going to happen next?
No seriously I do, I'll have to think, I didn't plan to write that I just did it without thinking like I am now, my hands are just moving on their own, halp me.
But seriously I dunno what to write, I'll think of something like I always do.

If you haven't noticed already, all these chapters, I had no idea what to write so I just went with it but yeah.
Thanks for reading =)

Junjou Romantica Misaki x UsagiDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu