Is it over?

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Misaki's POV

"I think you should go to the police."

I shot a look at Hachiro, you know the 'What the hell' look, yeah that one, but Hachiro didn't take his eyes off Chika, I don't even think he noticed me staring at him.

Usagi took my hand in his then held onto it, I guess he could see I was nervous.
"Why do I need to go to the police!" Chika stood off the couch yelling a Hachiro.

"Because, you have been not only stalking but taking pictures without permission, sneaking into a house uninvited and threatening."
"But you're my brother! You can't let me go to the police!"
"Chika, I am your brother yes, but you need to know what you did was wrong, even if you think you have learned your lesson you haven't, you just say so you don't get into more trouble then you are in already."

"Well I don't care if she doesn't go, because she is going anyway." Everyone stopped and stared at Usagi who still had my hand, he had that serious look.

"What do you mean?" Hachiro asked with confusion on his face.
"She will have to go anyway if I'm pressing charges."
I didn't take my eyes off Usagi, he was serious, his grip tightened on my hand, it didn't hurt but I guess he felt a little bad about it.

"Usami, I'll take her myself, there is no need to press charges."
"Well take her now, I don't want to see her in this house or in front of me ever again, she made Misaki feel nervous and scared, she also invaded my personal space, she doesn't deserve to be a fan of mine." I've never seen Usagi like this, he was so angry but most of all fustrated, he really did care for me but saying that last part went a bit to far in my opinion.

"Usagi, you don't have to be so harsh on her." Usagi looked at me angry but then softened his stare when I put my free hand on top of his.
"Sorry." He mumbled, I smiled at him for saying sorry.
I turned my head at Chika she also looked back at me, I could see she was trying not to cry.
"Chika." I saw she jumped a little at her name, "Yes?" I took a deep breath, "I agree with Hachiro, you need to go to the police for what you have done, but I don't think Usagi should press charges because I know you will do the rigjt thing and go, you have done pretty bad things, I still don't feel safe around you, but I'm a nice guy and I'm giving you sympathy, so would you go to the police and tell them about what you have done or are you just going to run and let Usagi press charges and have police roaming the streets for you making you more in trouble then you already are?"
Everyone was now looking at me in shock wondering where that came from, honestly I would like to know as well, I just let my mouth speak that's it.
Hachiro's POV (What! I know...)

I was surprised with what Misaki said, that was pretty cool of him and that guy isn't that cool.
I know that sounded mean but he cries at just about anything, I mean if you guys think that's cool then awesome but it is kinda funny when he cries at random stuff.
I was still pretty shocked when I saw Usami and Misaki kiss at the party last the other day, I didn't even know Misaki was gay, I thought they were joking about it all but seeing that they are holding hands right now I can see they're not.
Usami was staring at Misaki looking shocked, has Misaki never been like that in front of him before? While I was thinking about it Usami started laughing which made us even more confused.
"Haha, Misaki, your little speech just then reminded me of when you went off at my brother."
"Shut up Usagi!"
They are like an old couple.

"Um, I'll do what my brother said, I'll go to the police..."
Chika finally spoke after awhile, she said what I wanted to hear, I'm proud that she is going and not going to run.
"That's what I wanted to hear, come on I'll take you down now."
She looked upset, I felt bad for her...
No! This is no time for brotherly love, she has done wrong.
I grabbed my keys then walke out of Usami's house, Chika followed behind me looking at the ground.

I got to my car and got in on the drivers side, Chika got in on the passenger side, I started the car then drove to the police station, the car ride was quiet I could see Chika was holding back her tears.

We finally reached the police station, we walked in and the policeman at the counter spoke to us, Chika explained what she had done, the policeman understood and asked her to follow him, I gave her a hug goodbye then walked out, I messaged Misaki saying that she has turned herself in.
Usagi's POV (I was gonna do Misaki's POV but I rarley so Usagi's so~)

Misaki's phone went off, he looked at it then smiled, "Hachiro said she turned herself in." I'm glad we wont be seeing her for awhile, she was seriously crazy.

Misaki and I were still holding hands like we were before Hachiro left, it made me happy since he doesn't like doing that in public, this is actually the lomgest he has ever help my hand before as well, he wasn't even nervous about it, I guess he is starting to feel more comfortable around me then before, it made me happy.

"Well I guess it's all over then." Misaki said with a smile, "Yeah." I replied back. A few minutes later Misaki let out a yawn, I guess he was tired from everything today.

"C-can I sleep on your lap?"
Wait what? Did he really just say that? No way...
Misaki moved and put his head on my lap, he never let go of my hand, I had my arm around his waist holding his hand, he snuggled up to me then fell asleep, he is so affectionate today, it's so cute.

I ended up falling asleep on the couch until I felt Misaki getting up, he still had his hand in mine but he was now sitting up staring at me with lust, was he ok? Maybe he was just tired or something, yeah that must be it.
Misaki's POV

I woke up to find myself lying on Usagi's lap still, I thought he would of moved me or something but it looks like he also fell asleep on the couch, he woke up as soon as he felt me moving, I looked up at him, I wanted to touch his face, he just stared at me then smiled, "Misaki." I was now sitting up with Usagi still looking at me "Yes?" I asked him looking confused, I looked outside for a second, it was dark that means it was night time, "Let's go to bed." Usagi said as he carried me up to the bed room putting me on the bed then cuddling up to me, he really acts like a kid sometimes which is cute of him.
"Night Misaki."

Uh, I think another 1 or 2 maybe even 3 more chapters and I'll finish this.
I already have the Vampire one written up and waiting to be published, it has 2949 words so it's pretty long for a first chapter I guess.
Anywho, I'm gonna start editing the chapters when school starts back which is in 2days so Tuesday, I'll write a few chapters of that vampire one and upload bit by bit so I won't have to worry about writing for a few days, I'm gonna do that now the same for 'The Way He Looks At Me.' I'll be doing that one tomorrow though. Anyway enjoy this chapter, look forward to the next one, bye byee.

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