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Okey before I get to writing just wanted everyone to know I now have a laptop with a key board that works! (omg) yeah I accidentally broke my other ones key board and had to use the computer to update but was rarely on it so yeah but now I can update hopefully faster now that I have a new laptop, if not sorry but hope I can, right now will be a little hard because I have 4 assignments to do but I will try my hardest!

Anyway, let's start!
Misaki's POV

"Usagi! Do your work!"
Here we go again, Usagi not meeting his deadlines, he always does this. "I need more of Misaki" I quickly moved away from him before he grabbed me, "Do your work!" he frowned at me then went back to his work, finally.

Today was a day off from school and work so I'm using it to relax for the day, which I shouldn't have since he won't do his work. Maybe I'll go for a walk later, ask if Sumi wants to catch up or something, will have to do it without Usagi knowing though since he doesn't like Sumi at all.

I went into the kitchen to make a coffee then sat on the couch to watch some TV, hopefully he will continue doing his work. Surfing through the channels on the TV, nothing really interesting on until I saw a picture of Usagi and one of his books. I decided to listen to what they were saying.

"We would all like to give a congratulations to his Award winning book, Usami Akhiko."
What? He won another one? And I wasn't told about it again?
And he tells me not to keep secrets.

Oh well no use to fuss over it, he never tells me anyway and he never is really interested in them either, atleast people like his books, that's the main thing. I started to walk back upstairs then stopped, if I go into the room he will stop doing his work, I can just congradulate him later I guess.

I decided to call Sumi and ask if he wanted to hang out, he said yes so I wrote a not for Usagi so I wouldn't disturb him, it just said that I was going out for awhile, it's not lying right? I mean I am technically going out, just to meet up with Sumi...

Anyway, I got my things then walked to a cafe where we were meeting, he of course was already there, how does he move so fast? Anyway, I walked over to him.
He turned and looked at me then smiled.
I sat down at the chair across from him, ordered a coffe then we bagan to talk.
"So what made you want to hang out?"
"Uh well I was bored and Usagi was doing his work and he wouldn't concentrate with me there so it was just easier if I left the house for a few hours so he would concentrate on his work."
"I heard he won an award again."
"Yeah he did, he didn't tell me though I found out on the news before."
"Ah, I notice he never tells you when he gets one, maybe he doesn't want you to know?"
"Probably, normally when he gets one, we both get tricked into going to the party they normally host or something bad always happens."
"You guys must get bad luck when he gets them."
"Yeah, but if people likes his books and nominate him then we can't do anything about it."
"Wise words, Misaki."
"Yeah, thanks.."

We talked for a little longer until we got bored and decided go leave the cafe to walk around town for a bit, it started to get pretty cloudy, It's probably going to rain soon.

"Sumi, it looks like it's going to rain, we should head back."
"Yeah, I'll see you at school tomorrow."
"Yeah, cya."

We both waved goodbye, I started to walk back then it started to spit, it wasn't that bad so I kept on walking, I was about 20minutes away from Usagi's house so I should be able to make it before it gets heavier.

Walking more it started to get heavier, maybe I spoke to soon. The clouds were getting darker, people started to get to shelter, I wanted to get home out of the rain so I kept walking without stopping.

I looked up at the clouds and saw a struck of lightning followed by loud thunder.
The rain got much more heavier then before also louder, I turned the corner and saw the apartment complex and decided to run since it wasn't that far.
I regret it.
I accidently slipped and fell onto the pavement, my knee stung, must of cut it or something, I quickly got up but fell back down.

I twisted my ankle, again.

It hurt to much to walk, I felt like an idiot for running.
Note to self, don't ever run while it's raining.
I wanted to call Usagi and ask him to pick me up but he was working, I didn't want to disturb him.

I tried getting up again, this time it was a success but my ankle hurt a lot.
I started walking slowly, the rain pouring down, lightning making the sky go bright then dark and the loud thunder.

By now I was drenched, I only just got over my fever, I don't want another one.

Walking some more I saw a familiar car and by familiar I mean the red sports car Usagi always drives.
He pulled over next to me and opened the door from the inside.

"Get in."
He looked pissed.
I started to walk to the car but ended up falling and letting out a whine.
I couldn't walk on my ankle, it hurt to much as did my knee.
I heard Usagi get out of the car and run towards me, he picked me up and carried me to the car.

He quickly ran over to the drivers side and drove back home.
He didn't say a thing while driving but as soon as we got back the questions came fast.

"Where were you?"
"O-out with Sumi..."
"Because I didn't want to disturb you while you worked."
"Hmmm, what happened to your knee?"
I looked down at it, my pants had ripped and my knee was bleeding.
"I fell over when I was coming back."
"I was running..."
"Why were you running?"
"Because it started to pour down rain."
"Did you hurt yourself anywhere else?"
"I- I twisted my ankle.."

Usagi got out of the car and opened my door, he picked me up and carried me inside, he put me in the bathroom and turned the shower on then got me some clothes to change into after.

"Don't ever make me worry like that again."
"I left a note though."
"I don't care."

He left the room and I went to have a shower, cleaning off the blood on my knee.

I got out of the shower and got dressed, it was a little hard since my ankle was hurting so much and it was hard to stand.

Usagi walked into the bathroom and took my wet clothes then put them in the washing basket, he then walked back up and carried me to his room and put me on the bed.

"Get some rest and stay off your ankle for a bit."
He was always so nice when I was sick or hurt.
"I'll be downstairs if you need me."
"Yeah, thanks."
I smiled at him and he smiled back then closed the door leaving me in the room, I ended up falling asleep then waking uo to see Usagi asleep next to me, I checked the time 2:41am, wow I slept for a long time.

Oh well, I layed back down and went back to sleep, I felt Usagi put his arms around me, it made me feel safe and happy.

"Goodnight Usagi."
"Night, Misaki."

Holy shit.
Sorry for taking so long to upate!
I am sick with the flu and it sucks =(

And for those who don't like the word 'Blood' sorry ',:/
I don't like it either, it makes me feel sick but I couldn't think of anything else to write so TaDaa.

Anyway, enjoy this chapter.
Thank you for reading(:

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