Misaki's love.

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Misaki's POV


I woke up so see Usagi still sleeping peacefully, he must be tired for me to be awake before him, I'll let him sleep for a little longer. I got out of bed and headed toward the kitchen and started to make breakfast. Eggs, Bacon with toast should be good for this morning.

As I started to make breakfast, Usagi made his way downstairs "Goodmorng Usagi." He smiled at me "Morning Misaki." He must be in a good mood this morning, I added the bacon onto the frying pan and felt huge hands go around me, I blushed "Usagi... I'm trying to make breakfast." Usagi, still smiling chuckled a bit then leaned his head on mine, he hugged me tighter "I love you Misaki." He whispered into my ear, I turned off the stove knowing he wouldn't let go, I turned my head Usagi then kissed me on the lips lightly and pulled away, I blushed even more.

I managed to turn my whole body to face Usagi while he was still embracing my tightly with no signs of letting go, I looked up at him still blushing, he smiled at me again then kissed me but this time for longer, when he pulled away, I wrapped my arms around him aswell putting my head on his chest, hearing his heart beat. It made me feel so calm and safe.

As we were just standing in the kicthen embracing eachother, the phone rings, ruining the mood. We stopped hugging and Usagi went to answer the phone so I continued to cook breakfast. When he got off the phone his good mood turned into a bad one, I asked who it was, he didn't tell me just sat down at the table waiting for breakfast. I served breakfast on the table along with two coffees, we started to eat, I looked up at Usagi, he looked very annoyed, maybe because of the phone call? Did someone say something to him or is he just angry because the mood was ruined? I just continued to eat, he will probably get over it soon anyway.

As we finished breakfast, I took the plates and cups up to wash them. Usagi was just sitting at the table staring as if he was in deep thoughts. Maybe I should go buy him something to cheer him up, I did have the day off today so I can just go down to the shop or something.

I went back upstairs to get dressed and head towards the shop, Usagi didn't notice me leave so I should atleast leave a note or something for him so he doesn't get worried, don't really want another episode of when he disappeared without leaving a note or anything.

I walked into the shop, I didn't really know what to get him maybe some chocolates and flowers will make him happy, I managed to get a large box of chocolates and some roses for him, I hope he will be happy with this or atleast get him out of his bad mood.

I headed towards home, hoping Usagi will be at home and not taking a drive or something like that.
I opened the door, he wasn't at the table anymore, instead he was lying down on the couch. I walked up to him, starting to get a bit nervous and feeling myself turn red in the cheeks.
"U... Usagi.." He looked up at me, the chocolates and flowers were behing my back so he wouldn't see them, "Yes?" I started to get a bit more nervous, "Uhm... Uh.. Here." I handed the roses and chocolates over to him knowing that my face is probably bright red.

Usagi looked a little shocked, it is pretty rare that I get him flowers and chocolates, "What's this?" He asked me with confusion, "Well, you looked a little mad and annoyed before so I thought I would get you something to cheer you up..." Usagi smiled, "Thank you Misaki, you always know how to cheer me up." He took the flowers and chocolates out of my hand and placed them on the floor next to the couch then grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me down so that I was lying down facing his chest.

"Usagi?" We were in the same position as we were before standing up, just lying down now.
Again I could hear his heat beat, his arms were wrapped around me again, I am glad he isn't mad anymore, I started to slowly close me eyes and snuggle up to him, I felt Usagi do the same thing, I couldn't help but smile, I was really happy to be with him like this, "Usagi..." I grabbed his shirt, "Hm? What is it?" He said as he was slowly drifting off, "I love you." I felt his heart beat go faster "I love you too my little Misaki." After awhile we both ended up falling asleep on the couch together.

Sorry that this chapter was short and really lovey dovey etc but I was in the mood to write something like that so I did, It's okay every once and awhile.

Hope everyone enjoys this chapter will upload another soon, Thanks (/•,•)/

Oh yeah, sorry if I make any spelling mistakes. Please don't blame me, I type really fast and don't notice until it's published so sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.

Junjou Romantica Misaki x UsagiOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora