Chapter 24

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One chapter left! :(

"You what?" Harry looked up and faced Louis' face.

"You you, you b-brought My M-my" Harry could not form words, his sentenced coming out all stuttered.

"Why why would you do that?" Harry asked after he calmed down, Louis laughed a little as Harry's eyes seemed to be bulging out his head.

"I know you better than yourself Haz." Louis laughed.

"I never sold it to some random company?" He asked.

Louis shook his head and smiled.

"At first I was going too, but I could just see, you never wanted it Harry. But you just couldn't admit it. You're gonna keep it Harry. You're gonna keep doing what you love, Okay?" Louis smiled and Harry couldn't help but burst into a mountain of tears.

"Thanks you Lou. Thanks you." He cried into his lover's neck.

"I love you darling." 

"I love you too."


A few days later...

"Lou, I'm just going out, I'll be back in a few hours!" Harry called from the doorway of Louis' apartment.

"Wait Harry!" Louis called, as he stumbled his way to the front door just in his pyjama trousers and no shirt.

"Where are you going?" Louis asked confused, leaning against the door frame.

"I'm going to visit someone." Harry mumbled.

"Who?" Louis asked, Harry hadn't mentioned this before.

"Just someone, it's an anniversary thats all." Harry smiled but Louis could see through it, it felt like Harry was hiding back tears. 

His blue eyes assessed the situation, Harry looked like he was about to cry, he had his walking boots on, he was dressed warmly and he had a bouquet of flowers in one hand and what seemed to be a polaroid picture in other and thats when it hit Louis.

Harry was going to visit his Mum.

"Lovely, are you going to see your mum?" Louis asked carefully and Harry eyes immediately cast down.

"I always visit her today." Harry shrugged.

"Do you want to be alone." Louis asked.

Harry shook his head, biting his lip.

"You can come if you want." And Louis just smiled and nodded.

"Let me get dressed, put the kettle on and we'll take some tea with us, it's gonna be cold." Harry mumbled a small 'okay.'


Scene : Graveyard.

"This is her." Harry stopped him and Louis from walking. he knelt infant the gravestone, which read 

'Anne Twist.'

"Hey mum, I brought you some flowers as always. You favourite, Crocus." He smiled as he placed the flowers down by the headstone.

"Oh I also brought you this!" He fished in his pocket for minute and brought out that polaroid picture, here Louis could get a clear view of what it was. 

It was a picture of Harry and Louis.

"This is my boyfriend Mum! His name is Louis and he's famous." Harry whispered the last part.

"I brought you a picture, so you know what he looks like." Harry placed the photo next to the flowers.

Louis smiled fondly and sat down next to Harry, his arm wrapped around Harry as he could see Harry was shivering.

"Hi Anne." Louis said.

"You don't have to Louis, I know it's stupid." Harry said, titling his head to lean on Louis' shoulder.

"No of course, love." Louis said, he wanted Harry to feel comfortable.

"Hi Anne! I'm Louis, the boyfriend!" Louis squealed, which made Harry laughed.

They both talk for twenty minutes until Harry starts talking about ballet and Louis, stops his talking because he's knows it special topic for Harry especially with his Mum.

"I got the lead mum." 

"I tried so hard to do it mum, I really did."

"But I couldn't, but I know you just want me too happy."

"Thats what you would say if you were here." 

"You would hold me and say do what I love."

"I forgot that for a few weeks, but Louis helped me." Harry smiled bit, pig tear from his eye.

"I love you." 

"Speak to you next year." Harry fished and stood up, taking a thermos from Louis and drank his drink.

"Ready to go home?" Louis asked, grabbing Harry's hand and interwinding their fingers.

Harry nods and Louis kisses his curls, before they make their home.

"So when you going tell the kids, you're keeping the studio?" Louis asked, as they walked turn to face Harry.

"OH SHIT YEAH!" Harry exclaimed.

"They'll be so happy!" Harry smiled, and starting skipping a bit, making Louis' heart flutter.



"Yes, my prince?" Liam groaned as he peaked through his boyfriend's bedroom door.

"I'm sick!" Niall pouted making gabby hands towards the boy.Liam rolled his eye and jogged in.

"I don't want to get sick too!" Liam groaned, pushing Niall's blanket up by his feet.

"So you would rather watch your poor, innocent boyfriend suffer alone then give him one cuddle." Niall looked up at Liam through puppy eyes.

Liam didn't move.

"Oh come on! It's probably not even contagious!" Niall thew his arms in the air.

"You're goat like coughing suggest otherwise." Liam smirks and Niall frowns.

"Fine! i don't want your cuddles anyway." he groans and turns in the bed to face away.

Liam just smiles and climbs under the blanket , quickly pulling Niall in from the back and placing delicate kisses on his neck.

Niall is quick to turn around and snuggle up into Liam's chest.

"I love you." 

"I love you too bub."


Just some Niam to finish thus chapter off.

Chapter 25 (the last chapter :( ) Will be out in a few days.

This week I'm going to be SO busy but after I have my two weeks holiday so I'm going to try and update Midnight Memories everyday! Also go check it out if you haven't !

I truly love writing but I never have the time for it, I also have so many story ideas ahhh!!

Thanks you to all of you who have been patience.

I love you all <333

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