Chapter 2

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"I don't understand our relationship.


Sometimes we're friends.


Sometimes we're not friends.


And sometimes, I'm just a stranger to you."

Please vote and leave comments as you read! It keeps me motivated to write for you guys! 🫶🏽

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Please vote and leave comments as you read! It keeps me motivated to write for you guys! 🫶🏽


"Isn't this guy like 400 years old? Why is he having sex with a 17 year old girl?" Taehyung sneers at the sex scene playing on the wall of the projector and I laugh, looking up at him with my head rested on his chest.

"Well when they turn into vampires they stop aging so he's technically like 24." I cringe, realizing what I just said.

"Still sounds very illegal to me." Taehyung pops some popcorn into his mouth, repulsed by the scene in front of him.

Jimin giggles. "That's not even the worst part. He's hypnotizing her so isn't this technically rape?" He glances over at me, already looking at him and my mouth falls open.

"Shit. 16 year old me never thought about it like that. I just thought he was hot." I sit up, repulsed by the fact that I never caught onto that.

"Ok let's be real here." Taehyung mumbles, his mouth still full of popcorn. "This Caroline chick isn't exactly innocent. Chances are she came onto him and lied about her age so she could hit."

I giggle at Tae's vulgar language and I can feel Jimin looking at me. "Of course, blame the woman." Jimin sighs, giving Taehyung a side eye and I laugh even harder, reaching over Tae to give him a high five.

"I'm not blaming her i'm just trying to make sense of this situation." He groans in response and I wave him off with my hand.

"I don't think the writers thought it through. No use making sense of it." I sit on my knees, popping some sour patches in my mouth.

"Yeah. You'd think they at least try to cast people that look like high schoolers. The two male leads look at least 35." I smack Tae's shoulder giggling and he laughs with me, watching me bent over in amusement.

"On a good day." He adds and I lose my shit, falling back on the couch having a good laugh.

Two seasons in, Taehyung is passed out on my lap and I brush his hair out of his eyes to see if he's really sleep. Sure enough, one of his eyes is open which means he's not faking. I grab a pillow and carefully switch it out for my lap so he can lay more comfortably and pull the covers further up to cover him.

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