Chapter 6

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How do you get over someone


who was never yours?


Who do you blame


When you've broken your own heart?

Please vote and leave comments as you read! It keeps me motivated to write for you guys! 🫶🏽

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Please vote and leave comments as you read! It keeps me motivated to write for you guys! 🫶🏽


"What the hell is your problem, Jimin?" I spin around as he follows me into the mens bathroom, my teeth clenched in rage and he shamefully bites his lips.

"Listen man, I didnt mean for any of this to happen."

"Well it did! So explain it to me. Less than 24 hours ago you're cuddling with and making out with Y/n and somehow youve had a girlfriend for the last three months that none of us know about? How does that make any fucking sense?" I raise my voice at him and he sighs as he looks at his reflection in the large bathroom mirror and leans on the edge of the sink, his head hung in shame.

"I- I love my girlfriend, Taehyung. I really d-"

"Dont give me that bullshit!" I take a step closer to him and bend down to speak into his ear, to save him the embarassment of any bystanders listening in. "A man thats in love with his girlfriend dosent kiss another woman!"

"YOU DONT THINK I KNOW THAT?" He fixes his posture making me take a step back at the strength of his voice. " If I was in love with her, I would never even look another womans way, but thats the thing. Im not in love with her. I love Ari, but im in love with Y/n."

I chuckle and shake my head at him. "How does that work, Jimin?"

"I dont know, bro."

" Is it like everytime youre on a date with Ari, Y/n is in the back of your head?" His eyes go dark as he stares at me but he dosent say anything. "or is it more like, everytime youre fucking her you close your eyes and pretend its Y/n just so you can nut? Then once you open them the illusion is over and you wish it was her to begin with?"

"SHUT UP! I SAID I DONT KNOW!" He shoves my chest making me stumble back and I grin.

"Well, excuse me for trying to make this make sense."

He runs his hands through his silver hair and slams them back on the counter, gripping the edges so hard his knuckles turn white. Seeing him like this its obvious he isnt proud or even remotely okay with what hes doing so i'll cut him some slack.

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