Chapter 8 - "I Love You"

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By: Sum_bi_bitch and Zedeola

Lol. Most of this is just talking-

The next day:

Lan Wangji's POV:

"I love you too."

Those words... that is the only thing I remember from last night. I woke up next to Wei Wuxian at the usual 5:00. He was of course, still sleeping, but when he did wake up he wouldn't stop following me. 

"Lan Zhan~"


"Is it true?"

"Is what?"

"That you love me of course."

I felt my ears go red and I felt like coughing. "..." But surprisingly I didn't.

"It's okay, you know I love you too."

I stopped. 'Is that what happened last night?'


"Yes you do~"

Wei Ying's POV:

"Yes you do~ C'mon hurry up. We must tell Zewu-Jun."

He stopped again. He was about to turn away but we were already at the door. I just had to pull him a little.

"Zewu Jun!"

"Young Master Wei?"

"I found out who your dear brother loves."

"Oh? You found out that he loves you?" he said

We both exchanged looks of shock.

"...You knew?!"

"Hm- I can read my brother very well. The way he's looking at you right now."
He's looking at me? I glanced at Lan Xichen. 'I can read my brother well too. I can tell he likes you-'

"But... how would we tell uncle?" Lan Zhan suddenly spoke.

"Tell me what?"   'Oh great now the party pooper's here.'

"Oh uncle... Young master Wei found who my brother is in love with." 

"Really" Lan Qiren said brushing his goatee with his hand. "And does she love him back?"

"We- well yes-". 

"Then I should plan the wedding right away to rectify this from ever happening again!"

"And Wei Wuxian" Lan Qiren said eyeing me skeptically. 

"You actually kept your word... So I suppose I will keep mine."

"Moving forward now, where is she?"

Bruh- This homophobic bitch-

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