22. Bleakstory

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Woah that last chapter hit hard. Glad this one is happier... Wait *checks notes*, nevermind 

zuku's pov

"Mama! Let's go play with Kacchan and Auntie-Mitsuki" I begged, my little six-year-old hand grabbing her dress. Mom looked down at me with a billion yen smile. "Of course, honey, let's just clean up first" She replied. We quickly cleaned up the living room, got ready and headed towards Kacchan's house. Kacchan was kinda mean to me, he didn't think I was good enough since I'm quirkless... but he's still my best friend! Plus mommy is always really happy when she gets to talk with Auntie-Mitsuki. I think Mommy was really hurt when I get told I was quirkless. She doesn't mention it but I can hear her crying herself to sleep some nights.

"KACCHAN!" I yelled while running into the house. "Izuku-kun! Welcome you two!" Auntie-Mitsuki yelled back while I rushed in to hug her "How've you been kiddo? you're getting tall" Uncle Masuru said while ruffling my hair "I was here two days ago! I'm not that tall!" I replied giggling "Your wrong about that champ, you'll be taller than me soon" The gentle giant chuckled. "Katsuki is in his room, go on ahead up Izu" Auntie-Mitsuki said while walking over to mommy. 

I ran upstairs and towards Kacchans' room. It was the first one on the left, the one with the huge "KEEP OUT!" sign on it. I knocked on the door and began jittering in wait. "FUCK OFF OLD HAG!" "It's me Kacchan!" I shouted back "Ugh" He groaned while opening the door. "What do you want Deku?" He snarled "Let's go play heroes!" I suggested "Oh my god Deku! Why the fuck do you come over here, you stupid nerd. I'M SO SICK OF YOU AND YOUR STUPID NERDY MUMBLING!" Kacchan yelled. I whimpered at him.

"W-W-Why are y-you so m-m-mean?"  I asked through tears "BECAUSE YOU NEVER LEAVE! YOUR AN ANNOYING QUIRKLESS COWARD!" Kacchan yelled while pushing me back. I fell on my butt as Kacchan laughed at me "DON'T COME BACK HERE, YOU USELESS NERD! YOU'LL NEVER BE ALL MIGHT AND YOU'LL NEVER BE MY FRIEND" He yelled while shutting the door in my face. I started sniffling more before I broke out into tears. I wasn't really paying attention but mom and I ended up walking back to our home. I was crying my eyes out as mama patted my back. 

We weren't saying anything to each other but I know mama was upset at Kacchan. She's justified but... Kacchan's right, I won't ever become a hero. Me and Mama entered our apartment "Izuku, I'm going to make dinner, you should go for a bath" She suggested while kissing my forehead "O-Okay M-M-Mama" I muttered. I slowly walked to the bathroom, got dressed and into the bath. I kept my knees close to my chest as I slowly bathed 

"Izuku! Dinners ready" Mama called. I got out of the bath, got redressed and headed to the kitchen. I sat on my chair silently, not even excited about my favourite meal on the plate. "Izuku, honey, Is everything okay?" Mama asked "W-Why d-d-does K-K-Kacchan Ha-Hate m-me?" I asked between tears "Oh hon" She got down to my level and pulled me into a hug "Katsuki doesn't hate you, he's just growing up" She explained. As I cried in her arms, Mama rubbed her hand on my back "Izu, You're more special than you think. You'll be the greatest hero one day. You've already got the position as my favourite!" She encouraged 

Suddenly, a crash came from downstairs. The building leaned down at an angle "W-Whats going on?" I asked "I'm not sure Izuku, we should go outside" Mama said in a panicked voice. Suddenly, a huge ball of flames flew into our home. All around us, the place started burning. "I-IZUKU!" Mama yelled while running over to me. She picked me up and ran us out the door. By the looks of things, that wasn't the first fireball. I cried in fear as the smoke covered the hallway. "Honey," Mom coughed heavily "You need to trust me" She requested. I just hugged her tightly

Mama used her quirk to slowly break the door of a nearby apartment. She ran into the room and towards the window. As she looked deep into my eyes, mama began crying. My lungs burned as I cried back at her "I love you Izuku, Never forget that" she said while kicking through the window. Mom ran out the window, bringing us outside. We were flying... Falling. My six-year-old brain just realised what was happening "MAMA NO!!!" I yelled as she held me above herself. I never got a response as we hit the ground and the world turned black










"A villain attack in downtown Musutafu has left 13 dead and 5 injured. The villain, dubbed 'diablo' caused a large fire in an apartment building while fighting All Might. The villain escaped the clutches of police this morning but as usual, All Might saved the day from another villain"

I never forgot that news broadcast... It was the first thing I heard once I woke up, before I knew about my legs or lungs. They hailed him, they treated him like a god... for letting 13 people die. On live TV a day later, All Might visited the injured people in the hospital. He walked into my room, three different cameras were pointed at my face. My body was aching but nonetheless, I stared at my Idol. "Hello, my boy," He said. I grabbed the notebook the doctors had provided me and wrote a sentence 'Why'd you kill mama?' "My boy, your mother jumped out a window, she was not saveable. She was a Coward" All Might tried to explain. 

The man leaned closer to me and handed me back my notebook. I stared at him, my eyes covered in tears and I did the unthinkable. I got my notebook and flung it at All Mights stomach "Y-You A-Are n-n-no Hero!" I coughed before laying back down, bawling my eyes out. I eventually 'forgave' All Might... Only because he saved Kacchan one day. Kacchan... Wait! GARCHAN?! IS HE OKAY?! HE GOT SHOT!

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