I would like what they have

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Queen_Waifu I had an idea and now I can't get it out of my head-

*Hunter walks into the kitchen only to find Classic! Maia glaring at him*

Classic! Maia: You're late...

Hunter: I know. I'm sorry. There was an emergency at work.

Classic! Maia:*crossed her arms* hmph..

Hunter: I'm sorry for not being there for our date. I really was trying to get home.

*She stays quiet. He sets a bag on the table and walks up behind her*

Hunter: if it'll make you feel better, we can still go out. Alex and Scarlet took the girls to the fair in town so it's just us two for a lil bit.

Classic! Maia:.........

Hunter:*hugs her from behind* C'mooooon зайка. We can go to a movie, catch a late dinner. Oooooooor we can stay home watch that TV show you always to see while we drink that bottle of vodka right there that I bought.

Classic! Maia:*sits up and looks at him*

Hunter: it's up to you. If not then that's okay. *kisses her head and goes to leave*

Classic! Maia: mmmmmmm fine! But I'm still mad at you.

Hunter: I know. Heh

зайка means bunny in Russian. Simply because if Hunter isn't going to be sappy and call his partners sappy nicknames then I don't want it

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