DnD: Ruz

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Ruz is a changeling living on the outskirts of a broken kingdom

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Ruz is a changeling living on the outskirts of a broken kingdom.

They didn't have the best childhood because of the kingdom but they had a great friend that helped them through the issues. Growing up, Ruz has to steal every once in a while to help their family which would eventually become their job in the future. At first it was just harmless, like food for those less fortunate, then they would steal items to sell for money. Once they had been caught, but instead of being mad, the person they had stolen from offered Ruz a job. Now they work as an assassin, never failing to take out a target. Ruz had become accustomed to death.

When Ruz was 26, their friend had handed Elona over to them. The king had ordered every elf to death for no reason. Out of fear for their family, the friend went to Ruz out of desperation and begged them to take Elona. Ruz had offered for all of them to live together but the friend was afraid that they would all be found out. They took the small elf child and never saw their friends again after that. Elona is the only thing Ruz has left that they would consider family.

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