I learneded a few things :D

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I was looking up Italian culture because I can and need to so I can properly write Alex's character (+his cousin who I am introducing soon). Here are some things I have noted to help me better write Alex in the future!

•Basic Etiquette•
- It is common for Italian friends and families to kiss on the cheek when they meet, irrespective of their gender.

- It is impolite to remove one's shoes in front of others.

- Punctuality is not tight in social situations. In Italy, 'on time' can mean 20, 30 or even 45 minutes late.

- Dinner guests often bring a gift of wine, chocolates or flowers.

- It is common for men to stand when a woman first enters a room. This is the same for children when an adult first enters a room.

- If you are visiting somebody's house just before dinner time, it is expected you will stay for the meal.

- Make sure to compliment the cleanliness and decor of someone's home. Italian women often take great pride in the appearance of their houses.

- Italians generally wait for their host to sit before they do so and wait for them to indicate it is time to eat.

- Guests are invited to start eating when the host or head of the table says "Buon appetito" (Enjoy your meal).

- If bread is on the table, try not to fill up on it before the main course begins. Use it to absorb the sauce at the end of the meal.

- It is improper to put one's hands on one's lap, or to stretch one's arms while at the table.

- Resting one's elbows on the table is also considered to be poor manners.

- Do not leave the table until everyone has finished eating.

- Drinking beverages other than water or wine with a meal is quite uncommon.

- It is generally impolite to eat whilst walking.

- Guests are not expected to help the host clean up after a meal.

- Breakfast is not a big meal in Italian culture and is sometimes skipped.

•Gift Giving•
- Gifts are often open in front of the giver when received.

- It is common for Italians to wrap gifts in decorative and beautiful wrapping. However, avoid wrapping a gift in black or purple. These colours symbolise mourning/grief and bad luck respectively.

- Avoid giving knives or scissors as gifts. These are considered bad luck.

- With the exception of alcohol, giving specialty foods from one's country may not be well received by your Italian counterpart.

- It is considered bad taste to clearly showcase how much was spent for a gift. Take care to remove or cover the sticker price.

- If giving flowers, be aware that chrysanthemums symbolise death and are used at funerals. Yellow flowers can indicate jealousy whilst red flowers may indicate love, passion or secrecy.

If I feel like it, maybe I'll make a chapter on Korean culture

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