Using for money

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Context: Victoria is over for a visit & she isn't fond of the people she baby brother is dating

Victoria & Alex:*just talking and things are getting a bit heated*

Victoria: how do I know you or the other two just aren't using Hunter for money? I assume you three are aware of the fact that he will be gaining some of our family's fortune in the future.

Alex: We've been living off the money Jo and Hunter make from their jobs. If anything Jo is making more money than Hunter at this moment because he's working at a fucking grocery store. If anything she's the bread winner of this family.

Victoria: well what about the other one?

Alex: she barely asks for money. And when she does it's like $10-$15 dollars to get snacks. It's nothing huge.

Victoria:.... Well-

Hunter: Is everything alright in here?

Alex:*smiles* Just fine, Amor~!

Victoria:..... yeah. Just fine.

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