couple of plot points answered

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Plot points that need answering + answers:

-What happened to Kali & Sabrina's parents? I know they're orphans but what is up with their parents

Answer: Their parents struggled with money. They were barely scraping by with Kali but when Sabrina was born things got worse for them. Their parents felt their kids would be better off with a family that could make money and it hurt them to give their kids up. Sabrina wasn't old enough to remember their parents but Kali holds resentment towards them. That also feeds into his abandonment issues.

-How come Re is never able to take off the shock collar?

Bit of an explanation: Re wears a shock collar because it's the cult's form of punishment. She's known for attempting to escape using her ability. The shocks have messed up her vocal chords so she doesn't talk often. During the story Re's shock collar has been deactivated but won't come off. This is because the collar runs off her pulse. Basically as long as she's still alive & breathing that thing ain't coming off. It's a safety thing the cult had designed. Especially since it's also a tracker.

With those out of the way, I am currently writing character bios and making reference sheets for characters. I'm trying to finally update my OC book starting off with the Fields siblings. It'll take a bit but I'm almost done with Cameron.

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