Excuse me as I self project

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Hunter: hey did you put the dishes in the dishwasher like I asked?

Alex: uhm... did I?.... Ah shit no I didn't. I forgot.

Hunter:*groans* again? Alex this is the fourth time I've asked you.

Alex: I know. It just slips from my mind!

Hunter: how about your laundry? Did you put away your laundry?

Alex: Not yet.

Hunter: not yet?? I asked you to just before I went to work! You've had eight hours to do it!

Alex: I just haven't gotten around to it...

Hunter: Alex. All I ask is for you to just clean up while I'm at work, and you barely do. It's very irritating to have to clean up when I get home and on my days off.

Alex: I'm sorry..

Hunter:*sighs* I understand it's hard to things with your ADHD but I'm going to need you to find ways to deal with it or we're talking to your doctor and putting you in some sort of medication for it. Because I'm tired. Understand?


Hunter: hey.... You know I'm not trying to be mean right?

Alex: yeah.

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