Late night

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Hunter:*on his laptop while trying to call Violet* C'mon..... *tapping a pen on a notepad*

Violet: Hello and thank you for calling in the middle of my breakdown, what can I help you with?

Hunter: hey Violet! I just have a few questions.

Violet: sure! What can I help my favorite Himbo with?

Hunter: well uhm... you know quite a lot about the human body right?

Violet: indeed. That is my life's work as you know. Are you finally trying to educate yourself~?

Hunter: uhm.... Could you tell me about cannibalism?

Violet: well, cannibalism is normally caused by an overcrowding or lack of alternate forms of nutrition. Basically you're starving but you don't have any source of food, so you turn to what's best. One of the best cases of this is the Donner party where in 1846 a group of 87 pioneers were heading from Missouri to California and became trapped by snow in December. They ran out of food supplies and started eating each other to survive. Most of died, obviously.

Hunter: okay... that's concerning.

Violet: in some cultures, it was considered people would eat the dead bodies of their loved ones during their funeral as a sign of love and respect. It was also common for people to eat the bodies of their enemies. It was considered the ultimate act of revenge also showing domination and inspiring fear. At one point there was such a thing as medical cannibalism.

Hunter:*scribbling stuff down* okay. Any health concerns that come with that?

Violet: there is such thing as Kuru or laughing death disease. It's a rare nervous system disease that's caused by eating or coming into contact with open sores. It basically makes you shake and you'd be prone to pathological bursts of laughing.

Hunter: that's.... That sounds terrifying.

Violet: yeah it's crazy! Is there anything else you'd like to know?

Hunter:*looks towards his room and then lowers his voice* is there a cure for cannibalism?

Violet: Hunter..... *sighs* No there isn't.

Hunter: oh...

Violet: listen, I know you want your girlfriend to love a "normal life" but it isn't going to happen. Right now she's lucky there's even medication for her to eat normal food. Just keep supporting her as best as you can.

Hunter: thanks Vi. Good night

Violet: Night ya dork.

I have been researching things because...... yes. And I have no way of sharing these facts without coming off as insane and also it's the middle of the night

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