Ah yes.... Parents

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Cameron: god fucking damnit. *tosses his phone to the floor and lays down*

Violet: are you okay?

Cameron: no. My mom is on her bullshit again.

Violet: what's she doing this time?

Cameron: sending me pictures of my oldest daughter. I get it, I'm a bad dad and I fucked up my own life but fuck. Stop rubbing it in my face.

Violet: why haven't you just cut them off?

Cameron; because she'd go bat shit crazy and probably try to turn the rest of my family against me. I can't afford that stress. Who knows, she might try and get Ash taken from me. I don't want to deal with that.

Violet: I understand...... have you thought about contacting your daughter? She's like around Sadie's age right? So she maybe has a social media account.

Cameron: I'd rather not. Knowing her mom, she probably told her some sort of story and now my own kid hates me.... Couldn't blame her is she did....

Violet:*lays next to him* I know. But maybe if you explain that you're better, she'd maybe understand?

Cameron:*wraps his arms around them* maybe one day.

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