Dear God it's Alex jr

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Notes for the chirren. Starting with Reese. Johanna & Scarlet belong to Queen_Waifu

- If you couldn't just from looks and the title, Reese is Alex's daughter

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- If you couldn't just from looks and the title, Reese is Alex's daughter. And she literally a clone of him. From hairstyle and personality all the way to her favorite color being red

- Thankfully, because of her being Alex's mini me, her parents were able to get her tested for ADHD and put on meds for it at a young age.

-Her current hyperfixation is piano

- Jackie was supposed to be the last child. Reese said 'No ❤️'

-She was born early and had multiple health problems since she was born. Nobody knew if she was going to make it past childhood. This was hard on everyone especially Hunter

-Reese has given Johanna multiple nightmares by standing beside her bed in the middle of the night

- Reese loves to help cook. It doesn't matter who's cooking, she wants to help.

-Reese spent a small part of her childhood being afraid of Scarlet due to seeing her off of her medicine. She learned exactly what's going with her mum and takes her time to learn how Scarlet acts and cooking tips

- She's very in touch with her Italian and Russian sides. She loves learning about her heritage and participates in traditions from both countries.

- Everybody gets a rock jar >:D

- She's closest to Caden and Johanna. Caden because chaos buddies and Johanna because she's very curious about her mother's job.

-Johanna taught her multiple self defense techniques and has probably brought her on certain missions where no harm would be caused to her youngest. Mama bear ready to FIGHT

- Before she was born, there was a mix up and everyone believed she was a boy. Her name was supposed to be Oliver James Thomas, after Alex's father. That was slightly inconvieneced but they still named her after her grandfather by making Oliver her middle name.

-There is no relationship with her grandparents on Hunter's family(also her only known grandparents)

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