I am done with this country.

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Roe v Wade had been officially overturned. This means that abortions are now illegal in the USA, which the exception of a few states. You could get up to 15 years in jail just for having an abortion.

The penalty for rape is 6 months.

It does not matter if it is a fcking medical procedure. It does not matter if you, your baby, or both of you could die. It does not matter if you miscarry and the body does not evacuate the dead fetus. You will go to jail.

It does not matter if your child id the product of incest, rape, or pedophillia. You legally cannot get an abortion. Some states are even banning birth control and tracking those who get periods through their period tracking apps.

This isn't about the children. It was never about the children. If it was the government would have done something about the formula shortage. They would have done something about the thousands of foster kids and orphans.

It was never about the lives of children. It's about controlling those who were assigned females at birth. They don't care about us.

This country is a fucking disaster.

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