Phone call drama

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Man. The Fields have almost as much family drama as me.

Victoria: So have you ever thought about going to college?

Hunter: I don't know. I don't really think it's for me, y'know?

Victoria: Hunter. My precious baby brother. You're basically living paycheck to paycheck. This is a chance for you to get a better job. That way you could afford to actually live.

Hunter: I'm not living paycheck to paycheck. I still have enough money.

Victoria:*sighs* whatever you say. I'm just saying it'd be better for you. Especially since you no longer have any...... baggage.

Hunter: what do you mean by baggage.

Victoria:... uhm.. well... I mean you have one less thing to take care of. You have more time.

Hunter: that "thing" was your nephew!

Victoria: alright alright. I'm sorry. Just think about it?

Hunter: What about Skylar? If I go off to school what would happen to her?

Victoria: well I was more thinking online college but in person works to if that's what you want. Skylar could move in with Rei and I. Lord knows I wouldn't trust Cameron with a kid. And definitely not Alex, no offense.

Hunter:..... I'm going to hang up now. Night Victoria.

Victoria: Good Night, Hunter...

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