Chapter 2- Difficulties

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We were up till 1 in the morning researching. We didn't care, there was no one to get us In trouble bc our mom did night shifts and wouldn't usually get home till after 3 o'clock in the morning. But anyway we found out that the junior goodwill games was abt a bunch of countries that compete in all sports including soccer, basketball, baseball and hockey. And it would be on TV, so thousands of people from all around the world would see me and my brother playing hockey, our favourite sport in the world! From then I wanted to do it and Dean was in on it, there was just some way we would have to ask our mom to go. We have some problems.. Number 1. She's never home and when she is home, me and Dean are at school. Number 2. She never commits to ANYTHING. One day she'll say "Yeah I'm in!"
And the next day she'll say "no i don't know".
So we will just have to pray that she will say yes.
One day when my mom got off early and we were all just chilling I wanted to spark up conversation by asking my mom abt the goodwill games thing.
"So um mom" I asked
"What's up sweetheart" she replied
"When you were at work today, me and Dean were chilling and got a phone call and it was someone who invited us to do the junior goodwill games, it's where we can compete and show the world our skills. So can we do it?" I asked nervously. I really wanted to do this, it sounded fun. I waited a good minute for her response which ended up being-
"Well if you really want to and if Dean really wants to then you can go."
"Really?!" Me and Dean both said at the same time.
"Yes you can" she said through a smile.
"THANK YOU SO MUCH MOM" I ran and gave her a hug. Dean jumped up and down and we hugged. We immediately went to go pack our stuff to get ready for the best couple weeks I will ever have.

Hockey girl <3                    (Goodwill games)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant