Chapter 3- Getting there

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Me and Dean were all packed up, waiting at the door so our mom could drive us to the airport on her way to work. I couldn't stop thinking abt how fun this was going to be. I would meet some new people, make some new friends and be on TV! HOW CRAZY IS THAT. I was zoned out by remembering how worried and anxious I get to meet new people. The reason is bc once when I was 11, I met a new friend that was new. Long story short we talked for a while then k found out she was just using me to get other "cooler" friends so now, I can't trust anyone except for my mom and Dean. I finally get back to the real world.
"MOM LETS GO" Dean yelled bc mom was taking a long time. She rushed down the stairs.
"Sorry guys." She apologized.
"It's ok let's just go, we're gonna be late" I say.
Don Tibbles had said that he'd already covered the payment when my mom called him back.
So we really had nothing to worry abt. A little bit of time passes till we are there. Finally! it felt like forever. My mom had to hurry for work so we just jumped out of the car, gave the quickest hugs ever, she wished us good luck then sped off for work. We walk in the airport and all I see are probably 100s of people everywhere. I just stare for a second till Dean nudges me.
"Hey, Y/n, you ok?" He puts his hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah, there's just a lot of people here" i reply.
"It's ok Y/n, I'm gonna be right here and before you know it we will be on the plane ok?" He says.
"Ok" I kinda stutter.
Dean knows abt my anxiety and stuff, and how he is the only person I really trust so if I need him, he's there.
An hour passes which felt like 18 years.. we finally get to go on the plane. I was excited to get away from all these people. Dean knew the entrance for the plane would be packed so he grab my shoulder and we just klung arms and ran through. We looked ridiculous but we didn't want to lose each other, that was my worst nightmare. If something was happening and I didn't have him there with me, I would die. Anyway we are almost at our seats when someone behind me just pushes me. I ran into Dean and he looked back cuz obviously I didn't just fall into him on purpose, I turn around to see my ex, Ethan.
"Long time, no see eh?" He spits at me.
"Yeah, ok" I say, I try to walk away but I remember, I CANT. We're standing in a plane, there is no where to go.
"So how are y-?" I cut him off
"I'm ok I guess" I say quietly
"Why'd you push my sister dude?" Dean piped at him.
"Hey Dean, brother-" Now Dean cut him off
"I'm not your brother, now you better leave us alone or something's gonna happen" Dean looked at him with a scary look.
"O- ok." Ethan ran off
"Thanks Dean" I smiled
"No problem, nothing I wouldn't do to help out my little sis" we both laugh. We make it to our seats and FINALLY take off.

~I'm just gonna do the next part of them landing bc I'm way to lazy 😝. Anyway love you guys bye !

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