Chapter 7- First game

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We all skate out to the rink confidently and I see those 2 guys. They make that 'your going down' motion. I swallow hard as we all skate to the bench to see our first line up. I end up taking the face-off against that guy. I look at Connie on the bench and she signals me to just breathe, I nod to her and take a deep breath and then I turn to him.
"Your going down Portman" he says. He obviously saw my jersey because I didn't tell him my name at all. I didn't say anything and ended up getting the puck. I skate down and pass it to Luis. He skates down so fast as he passes it to Averman. Averman shoots and scores!! Now it's 1-0 us. We're winning! O first game and we're already making progress. The next line up was Connie, Charlie, Guy, Ken and Adam. I sit on the bench waiting for someone to be called off.
"CHARLIE, GUY YOUR OFF. Dean and Fulton your on" Bombay says. Dean and Fulton look at each other and do their handshake, they put their bandanas on and just start bashing people down, they pushed one of the guys from earlier down so hard he had to sit out. I cheered and gave them fist pumps.
"Good job guys!" I say.
"Thanks bash sister!" Fulton replied back to me
"Ok Y/n go in for Connie" Bombay says to me.
"K" he calls Connie's name and I jump out I go around a few players and get close to the net, I shoot it in and Guy, Ken, Adam and Charlie come to hug me. Right after I have the puck again I skate down when I get slammed into the boards by Jagnot (one of the guys that talked to us today). I stand up and shake it off.
I got the puck from Charlie and scored. The team came off the ice because that was the game, and we won, we won our first game! The two guys from Trinidad looked at Me, Julie and Connie and we just looked back with those looks. They sighed and we walked back in the Locker room.
"Great game today guys, we won, you should be proud of yourselves. We'll see you all tomorrow for practice" Bombay says. We all take out gear off and walk out of the building as a team.

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