Chapter 10- "Whats he doing with her?!"

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Me, Fulton and Dean went out because we were bored as heck. So we were walking in and out of stores and having lots of fun!
"Hey Fulton! Talk to em! Talk to em!" Dean says while pointing to the 2 girls in front of us.
"Hey ladies, nice night for a stroll wouldn't you say?" He says with a grin, they start laughing and walk off.
"That was good" he says to Fulton while they do they're little hand shake.
"You guys are so annoying" I say to them
"Come one Y/n, you love us!" Dean says while putting an arm around my shoulder.
"Uh, no I don't" I say jokingly. He pushes me away.
"You know I was kidding right?" I say
"Yeah I just wanted to make sure" he replies
"Hey guys, no curfew's gonna keep us in tonight- oh look ice cream!" Dean says as he cuts himself off and points. Ma and Fulton stare as like we were in heaven then get puked back by Dean to be behind a tree. He points being as quiet as possible. I look over to see coach with Marria, they Iceland lady. Man I hated her, she was so stuck up and thought she was the best.
"Wait I thought Greenland was green!" Coach says as they're laughing.
"No Greenland is very icey" she says to him
"I thought Iceland was icey?" He questions
"No no no, Greenland is full of ice and Iceland is very nice" she says while rhyming it. LIEK that makes anything better, LIEK rhyming makes things sound so much better. NOT!
"Look at this, she's an Iceland chick" I say
"What's he doing with her??" Dean is mad, I can tell. The last time he was mad was when my father tried to play with my hair. That was bad. I'll explain more about my dad later but right now I'm focusing on coach.
"Great coach we got" Dean says as he walks off.
Me and Fulton look at each other and shake our heads, we just keep walking back to Dean.


We're in the locker room getting ready when coach walks in with slicked back hair, just like Stansson's. This was pure weird, I can't trust coach anymore. Marria was corrupting him. And soon he's gonna be yelling at us for not doing anything right, just like Stansson does with his players, I feel bad for them. Dean tape my shoulder and I follow him.
"Did you have a good night last night coach?" Fulton asks.
"Yeah, it was good" he says while he looks back done at his papers or whatever he was doing.
"What'd you do?" I ask to see if he lies
"Oh I just.. watched some TV and got to bed early, didn't do much" he says. He couldn't even look me in the eye. I knew he was was lying.
"But not without that little dessert right?" Dean asks while smiling. He walks away.
"A little ice cream maybe?" Fulton ask as he walks away as well, it was awkward for me to stay there so I just left as well. I had to focus on the game as soon as we got out there. I know that we are probably gonna lose. I don't have faith in us at all. But we are gonna try, we're gonna try hard and whatever happens we'll be proud of ourselves.

- shorter chapter. I just wanted to make a separate chapter for the actual game. See you all tmrw when I post again! Bye<33

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