Chapter 14- Iceland trouble again

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We all went down to the rink without gear which was strange to me, but I guess coach has to something in mind.

"Coach, isn't this a practice, shouldn't we have all our gear and stuff on?" Luis asks and we all agree.
"Guys this is our last calm day before we have to buckle down and practice hard again, so today guess whats gonna happen" he says

"The return of captain blood?" Averman says
We all laugh because that was funny.

"No, a nice fun practice" he gets a beach ball and punches it out in the air so we can go get it. We are all playing with it kinda playing volleyball because we were trying to keep up. Until Guy shots it over to the right where the whole Iceland team is standing. What are they doing here? Stansson crushes the beach ball with his hands. I'm standing beside my brother in the front with Goldberg on the other side of me.

"Alright your practice is over, your little rink rats must leave" he says rudely.

"We're right here coach" Dean says they nod at each other and coach looks back at Stansson.

"The only thing little was your career in the pros" he says which causes the team to laugh.

"At least I had a shot, I was there" he shoots back at coach.

"Ok well let's go team" coach turns around "I said let's go, come on!" We start to walk away.

"Can you still move on the ice?" Stansson says
"How about a little 1 on 1?" Coach turns back around with a mad face.

"Gordon, no!" Mrs Mackay try's to tell Gordon but he had already skated over to face-off with Stansson. Stansson got the puck and his team was cheering him on.

"There cheer is good" I say "but we can do better" I look at the team and we all start cheering.

"Coach, coach, coach, coach" we were saying the same thing as Iceland, but we were louder, more intimidating.

Just the confidence our team needed. I was zoned out for a while. When I got back in real world. Coach was laying on the ground. I had knew exactly what happened. Stansson hit coach's bad leg with his stick. Me, Fulton and Dean were quick to jump at him but the team held us back.

We were ready to play them, I knew that the game against them last time was not the best but we have to improve.

Jan was trying to help us with the stuff we weren't so good at, like for example Luis and his stopping. Jan set out I don't even know how many empty Coca Cola cans and told Luis to stop before he got to the cans so they wouldn't fall over.

"Ok so the best way to get better at something that your not good at is to channel it" Jan tells Luis.

"Try to stop before you hit the cans, got it?" He says as Luis nods. Luis skates then trys to stop. And of course he fails. So they kept trying as for me, coach got me to work on my slap shot.

I hit it till every puck got in the net, coach thought I was ready. We all walked back to the dorms. Me, Julie and Connie just sat in our dorm and talked.

"So Y/n.. do you have anyone in the team you think is cute?" Julie asks me.

"Well Kenny's cute but we can all agree to that" I say as we all nod.

"Yeah that doesn't count" Connie says

"But idk, there's really no one that I like"

"Well you'll find him someday" Connie says as she puts her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm gonna go the the bathroom, I'll be back!" She says as she runs away. We hear a scared "guys..." from the bathroom. Me and Julie walk over.

"What" we both say

"There's a spider" Connie points to the wall right under the mirror.

"OH NO NO NO" I yell as I walk back to my bed. Julie just stands there and stares the spider down.

We all yell for help but no one hears us we all look back at the spider and.. it's gone! No. It's here I'm not gonna sleep here tonight!! No way

That's exactly what I told them they agreed but didn't want to have to pack up everything just to leave for a night. Sk we toughened it out and slept in the room. We had to be ready bc tomorrow was our game against Iceland and we had to get rest.

~ decently long chapter.. part 15 will be out tmrw!! <3

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