Chapter 15- game for gold pt.1

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(The sideways text is the announcer, like this)

I was nervous in the locker room next to my brother.

"hey Y/n, you ok?" He asked

"Yeah I just am a little nervous because this is the game for the gold metal"

"Oh Y/n." He sits down beside me
"I know you get anxious about this stuff but your gonna do great, don't worry about it"

"Ok. Thanks bro I always know that you will make me not worried" I smile at him and he gives me a pat on the shoulder.

Coach walks in and asks us if we're ready. I was ready... to say I wasn't! I was shaking and it was obvious, I felt like crying but I couldn't cry in front of my friends. I just shook it off and we were close to the ice when I saw it. The rink was huge like really huge. And there was like 2000 people watching, plus the people watching at home on TV. That's like at least 1 million more people. I didn't want to do this but we had to. We had to at least try to win.

Coach told us the first line up. I was doing the face off. Great. I'm a nervous wreck and I have to do the first face off. That's just awesome. Dean and Fulton give me a pat on the back. They know how nervous I am.

I go to do the face-off against Gunnar, we look at each other straight in the eyes.

"So Portman ready to go down?" He asks

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask him

"You'll find out" he laughs as I roll my eyes not impressed at all with how he was acting

The ref puts the puck down and Gunnar pushes me down and gets the puck. I quickly get up and start skating towards him.

After a hard hit by Gunnar, Portman gets up and starts to skate. She's almost to him, almost got the puck! And OOO a hard hit to Portman by Sanderson. Iceland is really taking it to the bash sister tonight and the bash brothers are not happy about it.

Sanderson laughs at me and skates away, I glare at him and just stand up like it didn't happen. As I stand up I hear the siren go off which meant one of us has gotten a goal. I look up it was our net.. Iceland scored. This game was not going well for us. Dean and Fulton got called on so they showed some Iceland what they deserve. I sat on the bench as I watched them take it to Iceland.

The bash brothers are now really taking it to Iceland. Huge hit to Sanderson by Dean Portman. Team USA is cheering the bash brothers on as they're entertaining the crowd.

I laughed at them "yeah, go bash brothers!!!"

They are making the whole team laugh as they comeback to the bench. We all give them high fives as my name gets called again. Bombay tells me the get on the ice. Same with Guy, to replace Dean and Fulton who were back on the bench. I'm skating down with the puck I'm close to the net and I shoot and score.

Y/n Portman on the ice with the puck in the USA zone. She's on a breakaway! She shoots and scores!! And now the score is 4-2, Iceland with the lead still.

I skated over to the people on the ice which were Jesse, Guy, Connie and Kenny. We all group hug while we all go back in the hear the next line up. It's Charlie at face-off, Adam as left winger, Luis as right winger. Averman at left guard and Dwayne as right. We watch as they get in their places. I hear Charlie and the Iceland player say a few things to each other then be pushes Charlie down and skated off with the puck.

"GO GET HIM LUIS" Coach yells

Iceland with the puck skating to the net. Mendoza up right behind him, Mendoza on a breakaway. He can really fly! He gets close to him and... ooo pushes him right down. That's another point for Iceland which the score now is 5-2, Iceland.

Hockey girl <3                    (Goodwill games)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن