Chapter 12- school yard puck

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We were working out because we had a game against Germany.
"Coach isn't here why do we have to be?" Connie asks
"We have a game tonight, we have to workout" Dean replies
"I say mutiny, who's with me?" Goldberg says
"Goldberg, I'm too tired to mutiny" Dwayne says as he raises a hand.
"Come one guys, it's not like we couldn't use the conditioning" Julie says
"Speak for yourself babe!" Dean says to her
"Her name's Julie not babe" Adam says sticking up for Julie. My brother didn't like that obviously.
"DON'T TELL ME HOW TO TALK" he pushes Adam as he says that. We all start yelling at either Dean or Adam. I just stay out of it.
"Hey, team USA what're you gonna do today? A million jumping jacks?" said a kid who obviously couldn't mind his own business.
"This kids crazier than me forget about him" Dean says as he go back to fighting with Adam.
"Man I'm getting sick of you" Jesse says to the sassy kid.
"And. I'm getting sick of team usa being represented by a bunch of whiny babies" he says back.
"Well it's to bad you can't back up the mouth" Jesse shots right back at the kid
"Me and my boys could take you anytime, anywhere" The kid says. Jesse scoffs
"I don't see no boys"
"I got 'em waitin" he says "grab your gear and let's go play some school year puck" he gets dragged out and we just agree and go.

"My little brother Russ here's been telling n me that you guys been choking up big time"
"Well your brothers got a big mouth" I say, which causes Ken, Goldberg and Averman to worry about the answer from Russ's brother.
He waits a second then looks back at us from looking at Russ.

"He does doesn't he" Russ gives us a cheeky smile as he says.
"We know you can do press conferences and sign autographs and stuff" Russ says

"We can do more than that" Luis says confidently.
"Oh yeah? Well we can train you play like the real team usa" Russ's brother says
"What would you know about it" Dean says to him. He and his friends look at each other, I knew we were in trouble. And I was right, Russ's brother slams Dean into the fence and hear him whisper a few things to Dean but I didn't hear him.

I'm on and I'm looping around everyone and eventually score in the trash bin. Everyone's yelling my name congratulating me. Russ's brother high fived me and we kept going.

Ken scores and he looks at us with his arms up because he just scored but then Russ's brother goes after him...

"Oh your messed up now kid come here! Come here! Come here!!" He yelled
"Hey kid I'm just messing with you ok? Look, when I guy goes at you like I just this is what you do, stick, gloves, shirt.. you got it?" He asks

"I think I got it. Stick, gloves, shirt" as he does it. Russ's brother stand back up and hits Ken on the helmet saying that he's ready. We all crowded around Ken proud of him. We all leave because our team bus was here but after playing with them I feel like we're rest for the game tonight...

- little bit shorter of a chapter but wtvs. Anyway see you all later! <3

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