Chapter 11- Second game & a long practice

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I was on the bench watching Jesse take the face-off. I heard them talking but I didn't hear them. Jesse and Gunnar start pushing at each other until Dean comes in and pushes Gunnar to the ground.
"Come on fool, get up!" He says
"Come one son your in the box, let's go" the ref says to Dean.
"Huh?" He says as he turns around as he lifts his arm up to knock the ref out.
"Come on son your out of the game let's go." The other ref says. Dean rolls his eyes at the ref  as coach starts screaming
"What your throwing him out?!!" He just screams as I'm right beside him.
"WE'RE ONLY 2 SECS INTO THE GAME!!" I scream. The entire team looks at me, obviously surprised that I'm actually sticking up for my brother; yelling.


It's the last half of the game and I get put in. Sanderson slams me in the boards and I start to hear ringing in my ears. I open my eyes and I'm on the bench just laying there. I hear my brother yelling at Sanderson.
"HEY, HEY I WANNA A PIECE OF YOU SANDERSON, YOU'RE MINE" He's yelling to Sanderson obviously bc of me bc I heard him tell me name. Coach turns to me and says
"Y/n are you ok?!"
"Yeah.." I say very weakly. The team starts to look at me and Fulton walks over.
"What happened?" I ask him as I sit up
"You got slammed into the boards by Sanderson, he's out of the game. Are you ok?" He asks me.
"Yeah, my head just hurts a little, but never time we play them I'm not holding back" I say
"What does that mean?" He asks me concerned
"It means. We're gonna win, and I'm gonna slam Sanderson like he's never been slammed before" I say as I look at Fulton
"Good plan, I'll join you and so will Dean"
He holds his fist out so we can fist pump. I fist pump him and I hear the big horn the signals were done the game.

We all walk back in the locker room, I'm just sitting there holding my head. I hear shoving as if someone's pushing people to see someone. And I was right, all of a sudden two hands on my shoulders.
"Are you ok?!!" It's Dean. I look up and stall.
"Y/n?!" He lightly shakes me "are you ok?!"
"Yeah.." I look back down. He lets out a sigh
"Thank god" he hugs me tightly, I hug him back. We let go.
"I'm sorry" he says "I'm just afraid of losing you, Y/n your the only one I have and if I lose you, I don't know what I would do-"
"Dean" I cut him off "it's ok" I smile.
"Just wanted to make sure" he says as coach walks in he sits down and I stand up and lean on the locker. Fulton and Dean are sitting beside each other and I'm leaning on the locker right beside them. Coach is pacing around the room side by side. We're all staring at him
"12-1" he says "12. to. 1.... You know what I think about that.. hm. PATHETIC" he basically yells at us.
"What about you?" Jesse asks
"What about me Jesse" he replies
"Coach Stansson knew everything about us, they were ready for us" Julie had a point
"Yeah but your driving around in convertibles with all those sponsor fools" Luis says
"Or hanging with the Iceland lady" I join in
"We saw you two Saturday night" Fulton adds on to what I said
"Eating ice cream with the enemy huh coach?"
Dean says as all the team starts to look around at each other and take their pads off.
"Don't take those pads off!" Coach says
"Stay in your gear, we have practice"
"Tonight?!" Goldberg asks


I kept dozing off but I woke up and checked the time. It was 1 in the morning and we were all still here. We'd been doing suicides for hours. He finally dismissed us and we all went back to our dorms. I was to tired to change so I just flopped on my bed and fell asleep right away.
We all went to Mrs. Mackay's class and she noticed that we were all falling asleep. She cancelled our practice after she found out we practiced till 1 in the morning. We got some well deserved sleep; a break.

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