Chapter 8- In trouble

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We all walked into the apartment where our dorms are, we sit in the lobby waiting for coach. We were all just sitting there till Averman broke the silence.
"When's coach gonna get here?" He asks
"I don't know"
"Hopefully soon, I wanna go to the dorms" Connie says
"Yeah same" I say "you know what, I'm gonna just go back to the dorms, if coach asks, tell him I went back to the dorms." I say as I'm walking away
"Ok" "ok bye Y/n" "bye!" Is all I heard from behind me.
I was in my dorm after taking a shower, I hear a knock and go to answer it.
"Hey Y/n, did the team tell you?" Coach says
"..nnnooo..?" I say confused.
"There's a practice right now, you need to be down at the rink, we're waiting for you" he says
"Ok I'll be down there soon" I close the door and grab the keys for my dorm and run to the locker room. I get changed as quick as I possibly can and run out to the rink. No one was there but coach, I skate up to coach
"Coach, where is everybody?" I ask "isn't there a practice?"
"Yes, for you" he replies "I heard you went to the dorms early and didn't show up for attendance so I could make sure you're here"
"What what do you mean?" I ask him.
"Y/n I should have you benched for this but I'm just gonna have you do an extra practice"
"Ok I understand, I'm sorry for leaving early, so what do you want me first?". At that point I didn't know what I had just got myself into.

I'm walking with the rest of the team back to the dorms, we had all planned to hang in Julie, Y/n and I's dorm. I try to open the door because I know Y/n left the door unlocked, I try to open it and it's locked. I look at Julie and she uses her card to open the door.
"Hey Y/n!" I yell but get no response.
"Y/N!!" Julie yells. We both get no response. We look at the team confused. They shoot us with the exact same look back. We all start yelling her name and separating off around the whole apartment.
We all meet up back at the lobby to see if anyone found her. Everyone was out of breath, but we were all worried about where she was.
"Any luck?" I ask looking at everyone
"No, you?" Fulton asks me
"Nope" Julie says
"Well we have to find her" Luis says
"Tell us something we don't know" Guy says back.
"Ok where did everybody look?" Ken asks
"Me and Julie looked in the lobby and the 2 floor" I say
"Me, Fulton and Dwayne looked around the whole outside of the building and the 3,4,5th floor" Dean says
"The rest of us paired off and looked around the rest of the place" Averman says. Still no sign of Y/n.
"Well, I guess we just have to go to bed and find her tomorrow" Julie says
"Are you crazy??" Dean says "we can't just leave my sister in the dust!" he basically yells at Julie, can I blame him? Not really. He's an over protective brother and doesn't know where his sister is.
"She would never do that to us, so I'm gonna look for her as long as I can" he says
"Me too" Fulton joins in
"Hey guys" Ken says " there is one person we haven't asked"
"Who?" Goldberg says
"Coach, he could know where Y/n is". We all think he could be on to something, so we head to the locker room.

It's just me and Coach, all I hear is my skates grazing against the ice as my legs start to feel like jello. I hear some other noises, like people are walking in almost. I hear my name a bunch of times. I look up to see the team. They help me up off the ice because I was laying on the ice from all the practice.
"Y/n" I hear my brother say "how come your here so late, it's like 10:37 at night".
"I made her practice a little extra.." coach says
"Why?" Charlie pipes in
"Because she went back to the dorms early"
Adam asks in defence of you.
"Yeah, she needs to learn her lesson" he says
"Y/n, how long have you been practicing?" Fulton asks
"Since 4" I saw weakly
"Yeah..." I say "can I go now coach?"
"I guess so." He replies
"Thank god" I say with my hands in prayer. I walk back to the locker room and change. The team was waiting for me so we all walked back to the dorms together. We all said bye and went to sleep, ready for our press conference tomorrow.

~ Hey! This was a long chapter so tell me if you like it. I'll be happy to hear some of your opinions. Well I'll update probably tomorrow, bye now!😘

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