Chapter 6- the problem

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After we shared all our secrets, we had a practice. So we all got our gear on and had our first practice as a team.
"Alright team, you ready?" Coach asked
"YEAH" We all said exitingly as we walked out to the rink. We set up for a scrimmage and then we got started. I got to pick from Averman and passed it to Ken, Ken passed it to Dean and he got it in. Goldberg cheers from the other side as we all crowd around the bench where coach is.
"Ok do you all think we're ready for Trinidad?"
Coach asks.
"I think so" Julie says
"I agree!" Connie joins in
"Yeah!!" Ken says
"I believe in us" Goldberg says
"So do I" I say, we all smile then coach dismisses us. We go back to the locker room and everyone's taking there gear off but it's completely silent. I think Dwayne decided to break the silence.
"So y'all think we can beat Trinidad?" He asks
"For sure!" Fulton says
"I second that!" Dean joins
"Idk guys..." Charlie says "we don't know how good they are..." we all look around at each other "what if they're amazing and we lose so bad that coach makes us all practice till 12 at night"
"He would never do that" Averman says
"Yeah, he has no time for us, he's always with those Hendrix people" Luis says
"True" Guy nods. And to be honest I gotta go with Luis on this on, Bombays been my coach for weeks now and I don't even know his favourite colour. Because he's always gone. This was our first team practice and we've been together for a week and a half. Then reality hit me, Bombay was using us to get money from our sponsors, which were Hendrix. Because Hendrix said that they would pay him money if he promise we'd win our first game which was tomorrow.
My alarm went off at 6:30 so me and the team could meet up, I woke Julie and Connie up and we all showered, got dressed and then we started to walk to our locker room. We bumped into 2 guys from Trinidad on the way.
"Oh hey team USA how are y'all doing eh?" One of them says.
"We're fine" Julie says back staring at him.
"Do you guys need any help getting somewhere?" The other one asks
"No, we're ok." Connie replies. I didn't answer any questions because I scared to talk to people who aren't my friends. We try to walk away but one of them stops us. He stands very tall so we have to look up at him.
"Where do you think your going?" They both laugh as he says that. My hands start to shake and my eyes fill up with water, we are not gonna get to the locker room on time.
"Just let us go, we are gonna be late" Connie says confidently. The one looks at the other before saying "No." Very rudely. At this point I'm crying, I knew that if I wasn't there in 10 minutes, Dean and Fulton would come looking for us. Five minutes pass and they still wouldn't let us leave.
"Ok, we will let you leave... you YOU GUYS let us win our game today" the one says. Me, Connie and Julie look at each other.
"Ok, we'll let you win" Connie says
"Alright, you guys can go" he then he whisperes "that was too easy" They exchange looks "totally bro, way. too. easy" they both start laughing as we walk away. They actually think that we are gonna let them win, yeah no we're not. Me eyes still look like I was crying but it's fine. We get there and tell the team everything.
"Dude I'm gonna crush them today" Dean says as he punches his hand.
"Hey change that I'm to we" Fulton says "we're gonna crush them on today" Dean and Fulton do they're hand shake and we all laugh. We all get changed and are ready to play.

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