Chapter 13- soaring over Germany

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We were all sitting on the bench talking to each other when Don Tibbles skates up to us.

"Hey guys ready for the game" he says while he rubs his hands together. "Where's Gordon?"
"You tell us" Luis replies, we all had no idea where coach was, he was probably with all the Hendrix people making adds cause that's where he always is.

The ref skates up to us now
"I'm sorry team usa but without a coach behind the bench you guys have to forfeit"
Forfeit? We can't do that. If we lose another game we're out of the tournament.

"We do have a coach" Charlie says "mrs. Mackay!" He yells at our team tutor. They do some talking and then all of sudden Mrs Mackay yells.

Me, Guy, Jesse, Fulton and Averman are on the ice figure out our plan. Until we hear a loud quack noise. It's coach, he's coming back to apologize I think, I THINK. We can't be for sure.

"BRING IT IN" He yells. We all skate in and he apologizes to us for not ever being there as giving us a really hard practice the other day. And bc Adam hurt his wrist we have a full spot, guess I for got to mention that, I'm the Iceland game, one of the Iceland players slapped his hand when he got a point for us and now can't play so free spot for anyone that wants it. We do our plan Jesse calls a Flying V and we win, the news paper article says 'team USA does their Flying V and soars over Germany' I love being in the newspaper it's fun!


I walk into coach's office to ask him something very important.

"Hey, coach" I say "I know with Banks out we got a free spot right?"
"Right" he says back
"Well" I pull Russ in the room "this is Russ Tyler"
"Hey there coach!" He says with a smile.
"Russ Tyler. Are you any good on the ice?" Coach asks him.
"You never heard of my knuckle puck?" He says

"Knuckle puck?" He asks himself  "no"
Russ and I smile at each other. He goes to the rink to show coach his famous knuckle puck.
Coach is amazing and puts him on, I high five Russ and now he's my teammate; a friend.

I'm tired so I need to get a lot of rest bc in a couple days we have our last game against Iceland so we have to be ready. To be exact, a week, or game against Iceland is in a week. So we get a few free days that we can just chill. But coach just told the entire team to be down at the rink.

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