Why Me?

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"B-Blaine? Where's Alpha Felix?" My voice doesn't come out as confident as I was going for, and he picks up on that. He smirks. "You're hero isn't here to save the day this time babe, I left him a note just like I left you one." He smiles evilly at my shocked expression. "Yep, he won't be anywhere around here sugar, just you and me. And we're about to get to know each other reeeeeal well." He grins and walks around me, circling me. "What do you want Blaine? Why won't you leave me alone?" He cocks his head to the side. "What do I want? Sweetie I just want to satisfy you. I care about you, Amber, and I want to show you how much I care." He winks and puts his hands on my hips, and I slap his hands off and back away. "Don't you touch me Blaine. Please don't do this, I don't want this!" I yell and continue backing away from him, he laughs. "Oh sweetie, I forgot to ask you, how is your mother and your sister doing?" I stop cold, and stare at him. "H-How did you know I have a sister?" "Oh I know a lot of things about your family Amber, a lot of things you don't think I know. I can also do things that you don't think I can do. Now, if you care about your family, you'll be a good girl and let me take care of you." He walks closer. "But if you want to continue playing hard to get, I'm going to have to force you to give me what I want." I snarl loudly, no longer backing away from him. "You are not going to lay a finger on my family." I growl. He looks at me with fake hurt. "Sweetheart I'd never do such a thing! But that doesn't mean my brother wouldn't." He smirks.

Now one thing about me, is that I don't care about what you do to me, but I will roast in the deepest level of hell before I let someone touch my family. I snarl and lunge at Blaine, tackling him to the floor. He rolls over and pins me to the ground. "Feisty little one aren't you? That's so hot," he whispers in my ear while kissing my neck. I kick him in his sensitive area, and he yelps and falls to the side. I pin him to the ground and starting beating him until his face is black and blue, and covered in blood. I then feel a strong arm wrap around me, pulling me off him and throwing me to the floor.

Alpha Troy.

"What the hell is going on here??" He looks from he to Blaine. "She attacked me Alpha! She called me in here and jumped me." He tells Troy, I am livid. "That's a damn lie and you know it!! You brought me in here to threaten my family and try to rape me you sick son of a-" "ENOUGH!!" Yells Troy. His voice booms through the room, and I swear I felt the room shake. He looks to me. "You're accusations are a serious matter Miss. Everwood. Do you have anything to back your story?" I hand him the note, and he reads it. "This is a note from Alpha Felix." I nod. "I know, Blaine wrote the note to lure me in here, because do you see Alpha Felix anywhere?" He raises his eyebrow at me. "Your tone is not appreciated young lady, and as for you-" he looks to Blaine, who is gone.

He ran out of the room without anyone noticing.

I look to Alpha Troy, and he squeezes the bridge of his nose in frustration. "I will talk with Alpha Felix and sort this out. For now go up to your room and you are to stay in there until someone comes to get you." I nod and stand and walk to my room. I slam the door as hard as I can and slide down the wall. I hold my side, pain shooting through me like shockwaves.

Why me?

I get myself calmed down when I hear a knock on my door. I open it; it's Felix, although he's not his well kept, neat self. His hair is in a mess, and his clothes are torn and and muddy. "Felix? What happened??" He looks at me.

"I took care of a problem."

I move out of the way to let him in, and he walks in and sits on my bed. I sit cross legged on Maya's bed, in front of him. "Want to talk about it?" He looks at me again. "What did he do." I look at him confused. "Huh?" He growls lowly. "What did Blaine do to you." He almost snarls at me. I look down at my hands in my lap. "H-he threatened my family." Felix snarls again, but sighs. "He will no longer be an issue to you." I look up to see him staring intensely into my eyes. I'm starstruck by his gaze, and all I can do is nod. He continues looking at me. "Are you okay?" I nod. "I'll be fine." He sighs, and stands. "Well I've got go do my rounds, it's almost curfew. Speaking of that where's your roommate?" He looks around. I shrug. "I don't know, probably off with her uhh, friend." I look down. I know good and well that she's with Logan, but I'm not about to rat her out. He raises an eyebrow, but decides not to comment. "Alright, well I stay in room 135, just come get me if something's wrong, okay?" I nod, and with that he leaves.

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