Chapter 16

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Thankfully, I hadn't hurt myself too terribly. I just put a little extra strain on my still healing body and it didn't appreciate it. Doctor Collins gave me some medication and told me to rest for the remainder of the day, but that was all. I was free to return to whatever activities I felt capable of doing after that. I was glad because Edward was taking me to see a play today, and I really didn't want to miss it.

"Why did Papa approve this visit?" Lily complained to her mother as we had tea together in the sitting room.

"Because Maxwell Keene is a gentleman and he'd like to visit you," Cecily said.

"He's boring and stuck up," Lily said, undoubtedly wishing it was Zachary who was coming instead. He was the one she'd granted a walk at the garden party. She had acted mostly indifferent toward him, but I could tell she liked him. Her father hadn't given him approval yet though. Assuming he'd asked, I mean, and I couldn't imagine that he hadn't. I had to wonder what Richard knew that Lily didn't.

Cecily frowned at her. "He's very nice and you will be polite to him while he's here. If you don't like him, fine, but you're, at least, going to give him the courtesy of a pleasant visit."

Lily didn't argue, but she didn't look happy.

Cecily set her cup down on the table and focused on Lily again. "I know you don't like this process," she said, a little softer. "I don't much care for it either, but the fact is, you are going to have to choose someone. You know you can trust your father. He's only going to approve decent and honest men. It would be a very good idea to take the time to get to know them instead of holding out for one or two who might never be an option. And the others may surprise you."

Apparently Cecily wasn't totally ignorant of Zachary. Or at least, the idea of him. Lily didn't seem quite as hostile, but she still wasn't thrilled.

"Give him a fair shot, alright?"

Lily gave a grudging nod.

Seeming satisfied, Cecily took one last sip from her tea cup and then stood. "I have some things to attend to," she said. "Ella, Sweetie, have a lovely time on your outing."

I smiled. "Thank you. I will."

She looked at her daughter again. "Be nice," she reminded her and then moved to leave the room, stopping when Matthew appeared in the doorway. "Oh, Matthew. I wasn't aware you'd be coming today. Did Susan give you that package for me?"

He nodded and produced a small wrapped bundle. "She did."

He'd come to see me yesterday, but with my need to rest, we hadn't been able to do what he had planned. I guess he figured we could do it today instead.

Suddenly nervous, I glanced at Lily. She didn't appear too concerned over her own impending visit anymore. Now she was clearly wondering how Matthew would react to me spending time with Edward. She'd broached the subject initially, but I brushed it off. We were just having fun and it really wasn't Matthew's business. I knew he wouldn't feel that way and that he wouldn't like it, so I avoided the topic with him. I always gave him top priority and only scheduled things on days I wasn't expecting him, so there was never a need to bring anything up. Now I wondered if I should have mentioned it. It really shouldn't be an issue, but with Lily sitting there, looking like something was about to blow up, I worried.

Cecily continued on out of the room and Matthew came over to where Lily and I sat.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me.

I thought of lying and telling him I still needed to rest, but I didn't want to worry him.

"Better," I said. "I'm still a little sore, but nothing too bad."

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