Chapter 18

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I worried that things between Matthew and me might be strained, but they weren't. The following day, he returned and acted as if nothing had happened. It made me feel guilty for snapping at him. And since I learned what Edward's intentions were, I realized that he was probably just concerned. After all, he understood how things worked here much better than I did.

He didn't try to dissuade me from seeing anyone again, but he became awfully interested in what I was doing on the days he wasn't with me. I worried about how he would take it when I told him I had plans with someone else, but thankfully that wasn't an issue just yet.

"Ella, you aren't going anywhere today, are you?" Richard asked after everyone had finished eating breakfast.

"No. Matthew is supposed to be here soon. He usually has something in mind for us to do, but we didn't make any specific plans." I didn't mind the question, but it made me wonder. Richard didn't usually ask me to clear things with him first.

"Good," he said, making me more curious. "I think it would be a good idea for you to remain here. At least until later."

I glanced at Lily. She seemed just as confused as I did. Cecily smiled knowingly though.

Well, whatever his reason for asking, I trusted him. "Alright. I'm sure Matthew won't mind."

He seemed satisfied and...amused?

"Any particular reason?" I asked.

"I just think you'll want to be here."

I exchanged another puzzled glance with Lily. At least I wasn't the only one who thought this was strange.

"Lily, give us a few moments," he said before I could press for a more satisfying answer. "I'd like to have a word with Ella."

My instinct was to be nervous, but Richard didn't seem upset, so I was mostly just curious. He was usually very busy, so this must be important.

Lily, seeming just as curious and not too thrilled with the dismissal, watched her father for a moment before getting to her feet to do as she was asked.

"Come Lily." Cecily stood with her. "I want to show you something anyway."

Once they left the room, Richard dismissed the few servants so it was just the two of us in the massive dining room and I got a taste of how intimidated other people usually felt around him. I knew he wasn't angry and that even if he was, he wasn't likely to yell, but I was still nervous to have him focus on me so entirely.

He smiled genially and any nerves vanished.

"Ella, I wanted to ask your opinion about something."

"Okay..." I said uncertainly. What in the world would he want my opinion about?

"How do you feel about young men wishing to court you?"

Oh. My face warmed and I was glad he chose to do this in private. I could tell that he wanted to laugh, but he kindly refrained.

"I've had several such men approach me over the past weeks," he said. "I've largely put them off for the time being, but I wanted to know your feelings on the matter before I spoke with your father or committed to anything with them, one way or another."

"How many is several?" I asked, stunned.

"I'm not sure of the exact number. I lost track around fifteen."

My eyes widened. Aside from the Grahams, I didn't even know fifteen people here. And I didn't think that number included Edward.

He chuckled. "There's no reason to be alarmed. It's quite common for a young lady to receive these sorts of offers."

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