My problems

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While I was in my room I thought about my problems.

I have PTSD, anxiety, and depression.

I was raped by several death eaters.  Then I was raped by my father continuously.  My mother found out and my father blamed it on me.  That's when she started beating me and then my father joined in.  My parents never wanted me and so all I was, was a burden to them.  I started self harming and then this war came.  5 people died for me and the guilt still eats me up to this day.  Harry and Ron haven't gave me a thought since they won and they're always off on some stupid party to celebrate the end of the war.  All the girls in Gryffindor hate me because of my grades.  Harry and Ron only had me part of their stupid "Golden Trio" shit for my brains and to get them out of sticky situations.  I was tortured by Bellatrix and that still haunts me to this day and plagues my sleep with nightmares.  The scar would never fade and would, at random times, open up and start bleeding and I would feel the same pain I felt that day.  I was under the crutacious curse multiple times.  Death eaters put me under the imperio curse for months and no one noticed.  My parents used to starve me and I got used to not eating regularly.  I started only eating lunch to make my friends less suspicious.  Some days I would skip that too.  No one noticed.  This drove me to a deeper state of depression.  I was raped by 4 boys, at the same time, one from each house.  I still see them everyday in hogwarts.  They were my first and it was nothing like I imagined.  Then I was raped by death eaters.  They tortured me for their amusement and I couldn't do anything about it.  Then I found out I was adopted and my real parents were the Zabini's, people who are best friends with my worst enemy.  And they think I know nothing about problems?!  Well they can think again.

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