Staying 2

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I woke up the next morning and rolled over.  I immediately hissed.  I look down and see the mudblood scar bleeding badly.  I curse and run to the bathroom.  It'll be bleeding for a while.  I sigh and look at it.  I'll feel the pain of that night in some time so until then I better do whatever.  It's been 3 days in here and I haven't eaten any food.  I scoff.  If they think that going without food would tempt me out, they're wrong.  I'm not like the boys and probably some girls.  I don't need food everyday.  But since they think I have no problems they don't know that.  I go to my bed and sigh.  A few seconds I start feeling the pain and I see the memories.  I get lost in that world for the rest of the day.

Blaise POV

I was pissed with Hermione.  She acts like she's the one who has the most problems but she doesn't.  At all.  Now she went and cooped herself up in her room for the past 3 days at an attempt for attention.  She's just a wannabe and an attention seeking bitch.

I was prepared to send her another Howler and then remembered twin telepathy.  I went into her mind.....and saw her having a huge nightmare.  I was worried and then remembered that she's probably just projecting in my mind to make us think she still has nightmares about that day.  But she doesn't know that I'm smart enough not to fall for that.  That was literally a year ago.  She doesn't remember anything from that day.  I think into her mind.

'Stop projecting this in your mind.  You know you don't remember anything from that day and you're just doing it for attention."

I get out of her mind and I go to the kitchen.  She can't stay in there for long without food.  I'll bet she's sneaking out to the kitchens every night to get food since she can't go without food for 3 days.  My friends left a few hours after the fight.  They are super mad at her and I don't blame them.  Heck I'm madder than they are.  She embarrased me and made all my friends relive their memories.  I hate her so much right now.

Hermione POV

I heard Blaise say something in my mind.  After hearing it I scoffed and then screamed from pain.  He thinks I'm projecting this and I don't remember this?  How does that even make sense?

I went into his mind just to hear him say "I hate her so much right now"

I started crying.  Those words.  Those words from a brother.  It hurt more than a thousand knives straight to my heart.  Actually knives to my heart sounds pretty good right now.  Just another person to add to the people who hate me.  I took out a knife ignoring the pain of Bellatrix's curse and, on my right leg, made a slice, then another, and another.  One for Blaise and one for each and every one of Blaise's friends.  Let me explain.

My right leg is used for counting the people who hate me.

My left leg is used for stabbing to count the amount of times someone thought I didn't have problems.

My right arm had the mudblood scar and so I don't really do anything with that one.

My left arm is for free use.

My hip is for every time my parents beat me and sexually assaulted me.

So as you can probably tell, I have a lot of scars on my hip, left arm, right leg, and left leg.  In fact I'm running out of space in all of them.  Ehh once I run out of space I can die.  So there's that.  I finish and I lie back down still feeling the pain of what I just did and reliving the memories of that night. 

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