Mask renewed

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The following morning, Hermione emerged from her chambers with a newfound sense of confidence, her once unpredictable locks now a steady, reassuring shade of black. 

She had returned the previous night, walking into Blaise and Draco worryingly muttering in hushed voices to each other. The minute she walked in though, they quieted and stared at her like she was insane. She got a lecture from each of them and went to her room. She didn't think they noticed the change in hair yet though but they'd be sure to notice it today.

The Great Hall buzzed with the usual morning chatter as Hermione made her way to the Slytherin table, a spring in her step and a smile on her face. But as she settled into her seat, she couldn't help but notice the curious glances being exchanged between Draco and Blaise at the end of the table. With a furrowed brow, Hermione watched as the two boys whispered conspiratorially, their eyes flickering in her direction. She felt a pang of unease in the pit of her stomach, wondering what could possibly be the cause of their sudden interest in her.

As breakfast drew to a close, Draco and Blaise rose from their seats and made their way over to where Hermione sat, their expressions a curious mix of curiosity and apprehension. 

"Gr-Zabini," Draco amended, his voice laced with an unusual hint of uncertainty, "I couldn't help but notice something different about you today."

Hermione's heart skipped a beat, her mind racing to find an explanation for the change in her appearance. She fought to keep her composure, her eyes meeting Draco's with a determined gaze. 

"Oh?" she replied, trying to sound casual despite the rising panic threatening to consume her.

Draco nodded, his silver eyes narrowing slightly as he studied her. "Your hair," he continued, gesturing towards Hermione's now uniform black locks. "It's... different."

Hermione felt a bead of sweat form at the base of her neck, her mind scrambling for a plausible explanation. She knew she couldn't reveal the truth about her alchemical discovery, not with the delicate balance of trust between them hanging in the balance. From what she had gathered, Blaise truly prided himself on his ever-changing hair, thinking it made him more "badass" and "in-depth". She thought it made him look like a doofus.

Summoning every ounce of former  Gryffindor courage she possessed, Hermione forced a nonchalant smile and shrugged her shoulders. "Oh, you know how it is," she said, trying to sound flippant. "Just experimenting with a new hair potion. Thought I'd try something different."

Hermione felt a blush creep into her cheeks, grateful for the distraction provided by the arrival of their fellow classmates. As the conversation turned to more mundane topics, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, thankful that her secret remained safe for now.

But deep down, she knew that the truth would eventually come to light, and when it did, she would face whatever consequences awaited her with the same courage and determination that had carried her through so many trials before. 

She felt like she was making too big of a deal out of this. After all, they just spent the whole summer break calling her dramatic. But she never wanted to justify their claims, especially not over something as stupid as this. Unable to calm her nerves, she just put on a mask, thankful for the colors suppressed in her hair.

Her mask was renewed.

AN: Sorry for the hella short chapter guys and for the late update. I'll try to make a longer one next time

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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